Post got deleted, posts removed…
What’s reddit? Is that like a new alternative to Lemmy? ;P
Reddit who?
how the hell did this get 51 upvotes
50 people clicked the up arrow below the comment.
I like how the original OP mention in passing that Reddit is bad for privacy.
Like, no shit? How can a privacy community be even remotedly healthy in such an environment?
It’s like having a club for how to avoid the police within a prison, regulated by the guards.
Browsing reddit while using a VPN is verboten.
Good grief I despise that smug, winking snoo with a effing fedora that goes along with the error page.
Better than me getting shadow banned from reddit for using one, I appealed back then
yeah, seems like they really don’t want site visits or something! oh well, its cooler here.
Untraceable visitors are worth nothing. From a cynical point of view, better off without them.
A lot of reddit’s most popular content is stuff like TrueOffMyChest from throwaway accounts. Robust privacy protection would result in more of those posts, and more traffic overall, but reddit doesn’t care about making the site work, they’ve dedicated themselves to milking the individual users for all they’re worth. It’s a bit like killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. Because look, now we’re all here, generating content on a competing platform
While I hate Reddit isn’t the fediverse basically horrible for privacy? It’s super easy to see everyone’s posts and IP addresses no? I thought anyone could basically download everything with very little effort and do whatever they want with it.
Reddit was open source until 2017, and one of the founders was Aaron Schwartz. So it didn’t look like that for a long time.
I guess we all know it, since we are interested in Privacy and not clueless enough to be on Reddit (anymore?).
The degeneration from a “safe” place to what it is now is what makes it particoularly egregious a place to avoid for anybody serious about privacy…
2017 was 7 year ago, Aaron died 11 years ago. There are a lot younger users who can’t remember these things.
Let’s see a 20 years old university student was 13 when the source was closed down, I think it’s not easy to find a 13 years old who is familiar with such legal things.
Reddit basically has a completely new userbase. It’s not only by age of user. I don’t think people have really appreciated the rate of attrition has been near total. The old userbase of tech savvy STEM college degree holders have effectively abandoned the platform.
They’ve managed to sell the platform on a whole new set of users. So it looks like the site has kept on plugging along. But really reddit has successfully relaunched itself. Based on the idiosyncratic lingo I see most often. The bulk of users came from Facebook. They don’t know the traditional redditisms so they use vernacular from the platforms they’ve migrated from.
My guess is, the people who care didn’t stick around. As s result, quality went down.
Wait, what’s wrong with Proton Mail?
Privacy wise? Probably nothing. The company engages in shitty behavior, though, and will try to upsell you even if you’re a paying costumer. I switched to Tuta because of that, and then Tuta started doing all the same bs…
It’s proprietary.
They gave meta information like IP to the government in Switzerland, where they are based, after the government forced them to with a court order. Not the encrypted mail, mind you, because they can’t do that, just the additional information they have on a user like email and IP.
Because of that, a lot of redditers on r/privacy think they spy on their users for the US government. It’s a stretch, yes, but you have to remember they take turns using the one brain they collectively have.
Not the encrypted mail, mind you, because they can’t do that
Just want to point out for anyone new that ProtonMail does not use E2EE for email headers. That means they CAN access your subject lines, to/from fields, and other email headers. That means they CAN be forced to hand it over to the government.
Subject lines and recipient/sender email addresses are encrypted but not end-to-end encrypted.
Personally I am disappointed in a lot of Proton’s wording about this. They frequently promise they can’t access “your data” and “your messages” when they do, in fact, store potentially sensitive data in a format they CAN access.
It’s email, that’s the best you can get with email, if you want to have more privacy, DON’T USE EMAIL
A bit more context is important here. They aren’t E2EE, but they are stored encrypted. In the case of the person whose meta information was turned over, ProtonMail wasn’t forced to hand over the information right away, they were forced to collect it the next time that person accessed and used their email. That tells us that they didn’t store the information beforehand and could not access it without preparing to intercept it the next time their service was used.
Ultimately, though, if something like that’s a dealbreaker, it’s likely you’re doing something that would benefit from a more secure way of communicating than email.
If all they have on you is your optional backup email and your IP, I think they’re doing pretty well in the no data-collecting part?
Well, you don’t even need to provide an email or phone number when you sign up, so if you access the site via their onion address every time, they would have no information on you at all.
Not like the communities here are any different …
I’ve gotten downvote bombed for suggesting Brave as a Chrome replacement since they have Ublock filters built in. Sure you need to disable a few settings after a fresh install, but at least they let you. Idgaf about what their ceo did 15 yeard ago etc. – I’m not giving them money, I’m using a product which is familiar with what I used before, and has good ad blocking built in.
@red @tobogganablaze The ad blocker is there to give them the opportunity to pitch their own ad network.
And can be happily ignored. I’ve seen that thing just twice, once on my desktop and once on Android.
And it’s opt in, not opt out.
My point still stands: it’s a good drop in replacement for Google Chrome.
It’s not the best, but it’s better than staying with Google - a lot of people want a familiar hassle free replacement, and in that regard I don’t know what else to recommend
Nerdy communities always seem to attract some very opinionated people, which is a turn off for people just trying to do better.
As an older hobbyist, exactly.
I’m as guilty as anyone, but I promise I’m trying to be better.
I think we’re all guilty of that regardless of the subject
I’m trying to be better.
Unlike those dang noobs
What’s the background here? Do they censor stuff?
Whats the story on GrapheneOS drama?
At least one of the devs is an arrogant, condescending prick. Remember Nick the Computer Guy from SNL? He’s like 3 times worse than that. I’ve experienced it first hand - as in his second reply to me was to blame me: “you’re doing it wrong”. He’s exactly like some people I worked with 30 years ago. Smh.
There’s far more than that, though. In general, the Graphene team says everyone else is wrong. Classic idealist attitude.
I run DivestOS now because of that interaction, I will never use Graphene. That dev can go fuck himself with a pineapple - had enough of his kind of childishness decades ago.
It was a terrible sub for years much before the apicalypse. It was full of apple fanboys who believed every marketing bullshit.
Apple fanboys pollute privacy comms on this side of social media too, tbh :/
Tbh I am done with reddit as a whole, back then a lot of mods were power tripping, but now most of them are. You can’t say anything, do anything, it would be better for them if no one would even visit their communities.
This is completely unsurprising tbh. A lot of the old mods were enthusiasts who grew a community from scratch due to their love for the subject. In the reddit API shutdown, a lot of those mods left in disgust, or were replaced by the reddit admins, or were driven off by the leftover toxic userbase calling them “entitled jannies” or whatever. A lot of the mods who took over their place were just power-hungry users who were chomping at the bit to get the chance to run a big community as their personal fiefdom because they were too toxic to grow one themselves.
This is the inevitable culmination of these events.
Anyway, welcome to lemmy. We become more powerful from every user who writes off reddit forever.
PS: if you see power-trippin’ behaviour around these parts, you can always post about it in !
I use a repost bot to keep up with the Monero reddit but most of the time I find that I’m not interested enough to actually click the link to go to the original post on reddit and so most of the time I just stay here. I deleted my account during the API issues back in June of 2023 and have not had an account since then and do not plan on going back as I really enjoy it here.
I don’t even think you need even a bot for that. Just grab the relevant RSS
It’s not my bot. It’s a bot somebody else created and I just use it.
Yeah, that sounds right. Well at least I am happy that I was checking lemmy year ago and now I decided to finally try it.
Also thanks for advice :D
proton is literally cia. they are modern cryptoAG