An idea for an app I came up with for a class once was one that let you scan a barcode of a product in like Walmart and get what parent company owns it, like how Nestle doesn’t like to put their name on companies they bought (or not in big text anyways).
So if you want to avoid Coca Cola you could scan it and see who it’s owned by and if that company matches one of the ones you have blacklisted
there should be list of companies that should be avoided and why, its impossible to keep track of everything like this
An idea for an app I came up with for a class once was one that let you scan a barcode of a product in like Walmart and get what parent company owns it, like how Nestle doesn’t like to put their name on companies they bought (or not in big text anyways).
So if you want to avoid Coca Cola you could scan it and see who it’s owned by and if that company matches one of the ones you have blacklisted
Fun fact, ‘peace tea’ is owned by coca cola
There’s an app called ‘buycott’ that does exactly that!