I cannot repair my washing machine without documentation. I have no idea how to use my multimeter to check the components. There are parts dealers for Beko in my area, but none of them have the service manual.
The parts shops all say go to the website for the manual as a flippant off-the-cuff answer. There are no service manuals on the Beko website – at least not for my model. The navigation of the Beko website does not even have a path to docs. And worse, my model is treated as non-existent by the website.
What would I do if I were a professional repair service? What is the official channel?
I am open to “piracy¹” but it would be a long shot to scour all the dark web for a manual for a specific washing machine. It’s not the type of content people have a strong interest in spreading/trading.
¹As RMS says, it’s not a just and appropriate term for it (but “sharing” is awkward too).
(update) Added frame from Youtube video t1XaUolbjLY
which shows that service manuals exist for at least some Beko models. As we can see in the snapshot, Beko wants to restrict who is servicing their machines. (btw the video covers a very different model than mine).
I probably need to find the test mode for my machine, comparable to YT video cq_uSyghZC0
yeah i tried unplugging from the wall. I don’t know if there is a separate motor controller board or if the motor controller is integrated into the same board with all the controls. I’m not sure how risky it is to replace the main controller board as a guess. I would like some certainty on where the fault is.
And maybe it is the motor. It looks like it spins fine to me, but if it’s at the edge of its life maybe it’s giving feedback to the controller that signals an issue with the motor.