I don’t get the ai hate sentiment. In fact I want ai to be so good that it steals all our jobs. Every single “worker” on the planet. The only job I don’t think they can steal is that of middle management because I don’t think we have digitized data on how to suck your own dick.
After everybody is jobless, then we would be free. We won’t need the rich. They can be made into a fine broth.
Sarcasm aside, I really believe we should automate all menial jobs, crunch more data and make this world a better place, not steal creative content made by humans and make second rate copies.
The problem with AI isn’t the tech itself. It’s what capitalism is doing with it. Alongside what you say, using AI to achieve fully automated luxury gay space communism would be wonderful.
The problem is that it will be the rich that are the owners of the AI that stole your job so suddenly we peasants are no longer needed. We won’t be free, we will be broth.
Option 1. Halt scientific and technological progress and be robbed anyway because if capitalists do not get more money out of tech they are getting it out of making you work more hours for less money.
Option 3. Get a job as part of the 5% of the population still employed in serving the various security apparatuses protecting the rich fucks – you could be a soldier, cop, or government official.
Better to be part of the boot than be the poor fuckers getting stepped on, right? You can sleep easily knowing you have it slightly better than the other 95% of the underclass.
You are ignoring ALL of the of the positive applications of AI from several decades of development, and only focusing on the negative aspects of generative AI.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of some applications:
In healthcare as a tool for earlier detection and prevention of certain diseases
For anomaly detection in intrusion detection system, protecting web servers
Disaster relief for identifying the affected areas and aiding in planning the rescue effort
Fall detection in e.g. phones and smartwatches that can alert medical services, especially useful for the elderly.
Various forecasting applications that can help plan e.g. production to reduce waste.
There have even been a lot of good applications of generative AI, e.g. in production, especially for construction, where a generative AI can the functionally same product but with less material, while still maintaining the strength. This reduces cost of manufacturing, and also the environmental impact due to the reduced material usage.
Does AI have its problems? Sure. Is generative AI being misused and abused? Definitely. But just because some applications are useless it doesn’t mean that the whole field is.
A hammer can be used to murder someone, that does not mean that all hammers are murder weapons.
He’s already given you 5 examples of positive impact. You’re just moving the goalposts now.
I’m happy to bash morons who abuse generative AIs in bad applications and I can acknowledge that LLM-fuelled misinformation is a problem, but don’t lump “all AI” together and then deny the very obvious positive impact other applications have had (e.g. in healthcare).
LLMs fucking suck. But there are things that don’t suck. AI chess engines have entirety changed the game, AI protein predictors have made designer drugs and nanobots come within our grasp.
It’s just that tech bros want to grab quick cash from us peasants and that somehow equates to integrating chat gpt into everything. The most moronic of AI has become their poster child. It’s like if we asked people what a US president is like in character and everybody showed Trump to them as an example.
generative AI is the only “AI”. everything that came before that was a thought experiment based on the human perception of a neural network. it’d be like calling a first draft a finished book.
You clearly don’t know much about the field. Generative AI is the new thing that people are going crazy over, and yes it is pretty cool. But it’s built on research into other types of AI-- classifiers being a big one-- that still exist in their own distinct form and are not simply a draft of ChatGPT. In fact, I believe classification is one of the most immediately useful tasks that you can train an AI for. You were given several examples of this in an earlier comment.
Fundamentally, AI is a way to process fuzzy data. It’s an alternative to traditional algorithms, where you need a hard answer with a fairly high confidence but have no concrete rules for determining the answer. It analyzes patterns and predicts what the answer will be. For patterns that have fuzzy inputs but answers that are relatively unambiguous, this allows us to tackle an entire class of computational problems which were previously impossible. To summarize, and at risk of sounding buzzwordy, it lets computers think more like humans. And no, for the record, it has nothing to do with crypto.
Nobody here will give you peer-reviewed articles because it’s clear that your position is overconfident for your subject knowledge, so the likelihood a valid response will change your mind is very small, so it’s not worth the effort. That includes me, sorry. I can explain in more detail how non-generative AI works if you’d like to know more.
not once did I mention ChatGPT or LLMs. why do aibros always use them as an argument? I think it’s because you all know how shit they are and call it out so you can disarm anyone trying to use it as proof of how shit AI is.
You were talking about generative AI. Of that category, only text and image generation are mature and producing passable output (music gen sounds bad, video gen is existentially horrifying, code gen or Photoshop autofill etc. are just subsets of text or image gen). I don’t think LLMs or image gen are shit. LLMs in particular are easy to mischaracterize and therefore misuse, but they do have their uses. And image gen is legitimately useful.
Also, I wouldn’t characterize myself as an “ai bro”. I’ve tested text and image generation like half a dozen times each, but I tend to avoid them by default. The exception is Google’s AI search, which can be legitimately useful for summarizing concepts that are fundamental to some people but foreign to me extremely quickly, and then I can go verify it later. I’ve been following AI news closely but I don’t have much of a stake in this myself. If it helps my credibility, I never thought NFTs were a good idea. I think that’s a good baseline for “are your tech opinions based on hype or reality”, because literally every reasonable person agrees that they were stupid.
everything you mentioned is ML and algorithm interpretation, not AI. fuzzy data is processed by ML. fuzzy inputs, ML.
ML is a type of AI, but clearly you have a different definition; what do you mean when you say “AI”?
AI stores data similarly to a neural network, but that does not mean it “thinks like a human”.
That was poorly worded on my part. I know that it doesn’t actually “think”. My point was that it can approach tasks which require heuristic rather than exact algorithms, which used to be exclusively in the human-only category of data processing capabilities. I hope that’s a more clear statement.
if nobody can provide peer reviewed articles, that means they don’t exist
“won’t” =/= “can’t”, but fine, if you specify what you’re looking for I’m willing to do your job for you and find articles on this. However, if you waste my time by making me search for stuff and then ignore it, you’re going on my shared blocklist. What exactly are you looking for? I will try my best to find it, I assure you.
if they existed, just pop it into your little LLM and have it spit the articles out.
Again, I feel like you’re using “AI” to mean “human-level intelligence”, which is incorrect. Anyways, you know that if I asked an LLM to do this it would generate fake citations. I’m not arguing against that; LLMs don’t posess knowledge and do not know what truth is. That’s not why they’re useful.
AI is a marketing joke like “the cloud” was 20 years ago.
I think they’re a bit more useful than the cloud was, but this comparison isn’t entirely inaccurate.
I don’t get why people are harping on the term used so much. Whether we call it “intelligence” or not, and even how we define “intelligence” (fairly difficult to do), have no bearing on its abilities. Feel free to call it Machine Learning where applicable, although afaik that term has a more specific meaning so ymmv.
People can use AI to sell things or do bad things, because it’s a new and situationally very powerful tool. It’s also something that’s not very well understood, so it’s particularly susceptible to grifting. I would recommend anyone in today’s world to take some time and reslly understand how it works so that you know when people are being truthful about its applications and when they’re just overhyping a nonsense feature.
In the world of the past, access to knowledge determined how successful at learning the truth people were. Today, that success is determined by your ability to discriminate between good and bad information. We have access to nearly infinite knowledge and nearly infinite lies. Don’t waste the opportunity to learn to tell the difference. It is the greatest asset you can have.
If you want specific studies, please specify exactly what you’re looking for, and perhaps I can help after work. Alternatively, if you know already, you can simply try to find them yourself, which imo would be more efficient.
When I hear “AI”, I think of that thing that proofreads my emails and writes boilerplate code. Just a useful tool among a long list of others. Why would I spend emotional effort hating it? I think people who “hate” AI are just as annoying as the people pushing it as the solution to all our problems.
I don’t think it’s necessarily you personally they find a waste of time… it might be the layers of fluff that most business emails contain. They don’t know if you’re the sort of person who expects it.
Best Regards,
Internet Comment Writer<br>
It allows us to predict the structure of proteins before we make them. This can speed up research into protein-based medical treatments by astronomical amounts-- drugs which took years to develop through trial and error and/or thousands of hours of computational power can now be predicted beforehand in terms of their structure, which allows us to predict how they interact woth the proteins in our body. It’s an incredible breakthrough in the speed of medical research.
with the compute power required for models like alphafold, my guess is it will be at the monopoly of some corporation which will charge exorbitant prices for any drugs it develops through AI. Not a fault of AI itself, just fucking parasitic shareholder pigs which we should have eaten long ago.
It’s hype like this that breaks the back of the public when “AI doesn’t change anything”. Don’t get me wrong: AlphaFold has done incredible things. We can now create computational models of proteins in a few hours instead of a decade. But the difference between a computational model and the actual thing is like the difference between a piece of cheese and yellow plastic: they both melt nicely but you’d never want one of them in your quesadilla.
Llms fucking suck. But that’s the worst kind of ai. It’s just an autocorrect on steroids. But you know what a good ai is? The one that give an amino acid sequence predicts it’s 3d structure. It’s mind boggling. We can design personal protein robots with that kind of knowledge.
I agree, but the reason for all the AI hate is companies pushing LLMs, calling them AIs, and treating them like some miracle that is worth all the energy they consume. If we try to differentiate between LLMs and AI then the AI hate will go away.
Exactly. Llms are a mockery of this tech. They have become so powerful because of the amount of compute we have invested in it. Think if Alpha fold got that much gpu time and de’s working how amazing it would be. Heck we need to understand the human genome whose only 1-2% is understood. Apply AI to that instead of an AI that spouts out cheap Shakespeare knockoffs and shitty code.
hey bitch youre killed two people in your trolley problem. You suck bro. Why did you kill two people? You should be attached on the track bro, not gonna lie.
What do you think AI has to do with crypto, other than that they are both technologies which have entered the mainstream recently and been pushed hard? Like, what do they actually have in common?
Hold the phone, I found two things that are even more closely related
The fact that they both use the GPU is mildly interesting, but means nothing beyond conspiracy theories. These events were set in motion decades ago, it’s not like AI was invented because Crypto died.
Yes, I am aware of the irony of the website I got that chart from now using GenAI everywhere. That doesn’t make my point less true though.
If AI image generation is so bad why we have so many etsy and patreon artists complaining about it?
If no one would use it because it is so bad why would anyone care that it is trained on their products?
Do you know this joke about MAGA and the Schrodinger’s immigrant? They somehow believe that immigrants are both stealing people jobs and lazy and living on wellfare.
AntiAI bros are somehow similar. AI is at the same time stealing artists jobs and completely useless incapable of producing nothing that people would want.
I would love AI. Still waiting for it. Probably 50 years away (if human society lasts that long).
What I hate is the term being yet another scientific term to get stolen and watered down by brainless capitalists so they can scam money out of other brainless capitalists.
What I hate is the term being yet another scientific term to get stolen and watered down created by brainless capitalists researchers and scientists so they can scam money out of describe ideas to other brainless capitalists researchers and scientists.
The only place where AI is used to mean a artificial intelligence on the same level of humans is in fucking science fiction.
Is it hard to comprehend that when people say AI on the topic of something made by computer scientists they refer to the thing computer scientists call AI?
Do you go on gaming conversations and say: “Um… Akshually… it’s not AI… it’s just a behaviour heuristics 🤓”
I suppose you did say more than fifty years, which technically includes someone that died in 1954, but he also defined it in a way that even current models don’t meet, so here we are, back at brainless capitalists.
they will automate all menial jobs, fire %90 of the workers and ask remaining %10 to oversee the AI automated tasks while also doing all other tasks which can not be automated. all so that shareholders can add some more billions on top of their existing stack of billions.
How about the machines automate the complicated jobs to make as many menial jobs for me as possible? Computers these days are all lazy. They could optimize scheduling so the neighbors and I all get time together and time apart for a hundred hours of kicking dirt down at the office each year, instead they hang around doing vapes and abstract paintings of hands.
For me, it’s because AI is referring to a LLM, which is not AI. Also, these LLMs use a crap load of energy to do things that we can currently do ourselves for much less energy.
I don’t get the ai hate sentiment. In fact I want ai to be so good that it steals all our jobs. Every single “worker” on the planet. The only job I don’t think they can steal is that of middle management because I don’t think we have digitized data on how to suck your own dick. After everybody is jobless, then we would be free. We won’t need the rich. They can be made into a fine broth.
Sarcasm aside, I really believe we should automate all menial jobs, crunch more data and make this world a better place, not steal creative content made by humans and make second rate copies.
The problem with AI isn’t the tech itself. It’s what capitalism is doing with it. Alongside what you say, using AI to achieve fully automated luxury gay space communism would be wonderful.
Maybe problem is, you know, capitalism?
As always!
Just noticed… Did I reply to wrong comment? I wanted to use this as reply to one with “AI is bad” and without “capitalism makes it bad”.
I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to everything that’s happened since the industrial revolution but that’s not how it’s going to work
The problem is that it will be the rich that are the owners of the AI that stole your job so suddenly we peasants are no longer needed. We won’t be free, we will be broth.
Then you have a choice.
Option 1. Halt scientific and technological progress and be robbed anyway because if capitalists do not get more money out of tech they are getting it out of making you work more hours for less money.
Option 2. End capitalism.
I vote option 2
Option 3. Get a job as part of the 5% of the population still employed in serving the various security apparatuses protecting the rich fucks – you could be a soldier, cop, or government official.
Better to be part of the boot than be the poor fuckers getting stepped on, right? You can sleep easily knowing you have it slightly better than the other 95% of the underclass.
Well you see 100 people won’t be able to make soup of trillions. But you know what we a trillion people can do? Run the guillotine for a 100 times
You should check out the climate catastrophe sometime.
Had me in the first half, not gonna lie
deleted by creator
You are ignoring ALL of the of the positive applications of AI from several decades of development, and only focusing on the negative aspects of generative AI.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of some applications:
There have even been a lot of good applications of generative AI, e.g. in production, especially for construction, where a generative AI can the functionally same product but with less material, while still maintaining the strength. This reduces cost of manufacturing, and also the environmental impact due to the reduced material usage.
Does AI have its problems? Sure. Is generative AI being misused and abused? Definitely. But just because some applications are useless it doesn’t mean that the whole field is.
A hammer can be used to murder someone, that does not mean that all hammers are murder weapons.
Imaginary and unproven cases without any apparent “intelligence”.
Seriously… Fall detection? It’s like 3 lines of code… Disaster relief? Show me any actual evidence of “AI” being used…
These are not imaginary uses cases. Are you generally critical of technology?
deleted by creator
He’s already given you 5 examples of positive impact. You’re just moving the goalposts now.
I’m happy to bash morons who abuse generative AIs in bad applications and I can acknowledge that LLM-fuelled misinformation is a problem, but don’t lump “all AI” together and then deny the very obvious positive impact other applications have had (e.g. in healthcare).
LLMs fucking suck. But there are things that don’t suck. AI chess engines have entirety changed the game, AI protein predictors have made designer drugs and nanobots come within our grasp.
It’s just that tech bros want to grab quick cash from us peasants and that somehow equates to integrating chat gpt into everything. The most moronic of AI has become their poster child. It’s like if we asked people what a US president is like in character and everybody showed Trump to them as an example.
In what way is a chess engine meaningfully “intelligent”?
Who’s upvoting this? Is Lemmy really this scientifically illiterate?
deleted by creator
You clearly don’t know much about the field. Generative AI is the new thing that people are going crazy over, and yes it is pretty cool. But it’s built on research into other types of AI-- classifiers being a big one-- that still exist in their own distinct form and are not simply a draft of ChatGPT. In fact, I believe classification is one of the most immediately useful tasks that you can train an AI for. You were given several examples of this in an earlier comment.
Fundamentally, AI is a way to process fuzzy data. It’s an alternative to traditional algorithms, where you need a hard answer with a fairly high confidence but have no concrete rules for determining the answer. It analyzes patterns and predicts what the answer will be. For patterns that have fuzzy inputs but answers that are relatively unambiguous, this allows us to tackle an entire class of computational problems which were previously impossible. To summarize, and at risk of sounding buzzwordy, it lets computers think more like humans. And no, for the record, it has nothing to do with crypto.
Nobody here will give you peer-reviewed articles because it’s clear that your position is overconfident for your subject knowledge, so the likelihood a valid response will change your mind is very small, so it’s not worth the effort. That includes me, sorry. I can explain in more detail how non-generative AI works if you’d like to know more.
deleted by creator
You were talking about generative AI. Of that category, only text and image generation are mature and producing passable output (music gen sounds bad, video gen is existentially horrifying, code gen or Photoshop autofill etc. are just subsets of text or image gen). I don’t think LLMs or image gen are shit. LLMs in particular are easy to mischaracterize and therefore misuse, but they do have their uses. And image gen is legitimately useful.
Also, I wouldn’t characterize myself as an “ai bro”. I’ve tested text and image generation like half a dozen times each, but I tend to avoid them by default. The exception is Google’s AI search, which can be legitimately useful for summarizing concepts that are fundamental to some people but foreign to me extremely quickly, and then I can go verify it later. I’ve been following AI news closely but I don’t have much of a stake in this myself. If it helps my credibility, I never thought NFTs were a good idea. I think that’s a good baseline for “are your tech opinions based on hype or reality”, because literally every reasonable person agrees that they were stupid.
ML is a type of AI, but clearly you have a different definition; what do you mean when you say “AI”?
That was poorly worded on my part. I know that it doesn’t actually “think”. My point was that it can approach tasks which require heuristic rather than exact algorithms, which used to be exclusively in the human-only category of data processing capabilities. I hope that’s a more clear statement.
“won’t” =/= “can’t”, but fine, if you specify what you’re looking for I’m willing to do your job for you and find articles on this. However, if you waste my time by making me search for stuff and then ignore it, you’re going on my shared blocklist. What exactly are you looking for? I will try my best to find it, I assure you.
Again, I feel like you’re using “AI” to mean “human-level intelligence”, which is incorrect. Anyways, you know that if I asked an LLM to do this it would generate fake citations. I’m not arguing against that; LLMs don’t posess knowledge and do not know what truth is. That’s not why they’re useful.
I think they’re a bit more useful than the cloud was, but this comparison isn’t entirely inaccurate.
Classification =/= intelligence.
My spell checker can classify incorrectly spelled words. Is that intelligence? The whole field if a phony grift.
Nuf said.
I don’t get why people are harping on the term used so much. Whether we call it “intelligence” or not, and even how we define “intelligence” (fairly difficult to do), have no bearing on its abilities. Feel free to call it Machine Learning where applicable, although afaik that term has a more specific meaning so ymmv.
People can use AI to sell things or do bad things, because it’s a new and situationally very powerful tool. It’s also something that’s not very well understood, so it’s particularly susceptible to grifting. I would recommend anyone in today’s world to take some time and reslly understand how it works so that you know when people are being truthful about its applications and when they’re just overhyping a nonsense feature.
In the world of the past, access to knowledge determined how successful at learning the truth people were. Today, that success is determined by your ability to discriminate between good and bad information. We have access to nearly infinite knowledge and nearly infinite lies. Don’t waste the opportunity to learn to tell the difference. It is the greatest asset you can have.
If you want specific studies, please specify exactly what you’re looking for, and perhaps I can help after work. Alternatively, if you know already, you can simply try to find them yourself, which imo would be more efficient.
When I hear “AI”, I think of that thing that proofreads my emails and writes boilerplate code. Just a useful tool among a long list of others. Why would I spend emotional effort hating it? I think people who “hate” AI are just as annoying as the people pushing it as the solution to all our problems.
I don’t think anybody hates spell checkers if that’s what you consider “AI”.
It’s more about the grifters pushing this phony “intelligence” as the savior/destroyer of humanity.
deleted by creator
Hi there GreenKnight23!
I don’t think it’s necessarily you personally they find a waste of time… it might be the layers of fluff that most business emails contain. They don’t know if you’re the sort of person who expects it.
Best Regards,
Explodicle<br> Internet Comment Writer<br> sh.itjust.works
It literally just won people two Nobel prizes
How does that help the rest of us?
It allows us to predict the structure of proteins before we make them. This can speed up research into protein-based medical treatments by astronomical amounts-- drugs which took years to develop through trial and error and/or thousands of hours of computational power can now be predicted beforehand in terms of their structure, which allows us to predict how they interact woth the proteins in our body. It’s an incredible breakthrough in the speed of medical research.
with the compute power required for models like alphafold, my guess is it will be at the monopoly of some corporation which will charge exorbitant prices for any drugs it develops through AI. Not a fault of AI itself, just fucking parasitic shareholder pigs which we should have eaten long ago.
Damn I hope not but yeah probably :(
I am talking about them winning the award
That’s a bad faith question, but I’ll answer it anyways. It helps us because it means that we may now use the discoveries that won them the award.
It’s hype like this that breaks the back of the public when “AI doesn’t change anything”. Don’t get me wrong: AlphaFold has done incredible things. We can now create computational models of proteins in a few hours instead of a decade. But the difference between a computational model and the actual thing is like the difference between a piece of cheese and yellow plastic: they both melt nicely but you’d never want one of them in your quesadilla.
Hooray for them. \s
If I just hand wave all the good things and call them bullshit, AI is nothing more than bad things!
Current “AI’s” (LLMs) are only useful for art and non-fact based text. The two things people particularly do not need computers to do for them.
Llms fucking suck. But that’s the worst kind of ai. It’s just an autocorrect on steroids. But you know what a good ai is? The one that give an amino acid sequence predicts it’s 3d structure. It’s mind boggling. We can design personal protein robots with that kind of knowledge.
I agree, but the reason for all the AI hate is companies pushing LLMs, calling them AIs, and treating them like some miracle that is worth all the energy they consume. If we try to differentiate between LLMs and AI then the AI hate will go away.
Exactly. Llms are a mockery of this tech. They have become so powerful because of the amount of compute we have invested in it. Think if Alpha fold got that much gpu time and de’s working how amazing it would be. Heck we need to understand the human genome whose only 1-2% is understood. Apply AI to that instead of an AI that spouts out cheap Shakespeare knockoffs and shitty code.
I complete agree, but the original question was why people hate on AIs so much, and the reason is LLMs
hey bitch youre killed two people in your trolley problem. You suck bro. Why did you kill two people? You should be attached on the track bro, not gonna lie.
Frfr no cap
deleted by creator
What do you think AI has to do with crypto, other than that they are both technologies which have entered the mainstream recently and been pushed hard? Like, what do they actually have in common?
People think they’re bad /s ;)
This but unironically
I think there are some fair reasons, and some… Just ignorant parroted opinions lol
deleted by creator
Hold the phone, I found two things that are even more closely related
The fact that they both use the GPU is mildly interesting, but means nothing beyond conspiracy theories. These events were set in motion decades ago, it’s not like AI was invented because Crypto died.
Yes, I am aware of the irony of the website I got that chart from now using GenAI everywhere. That doesn’t make my point less true though.
If AI image generation is so bad why we have so many etsy and patreon artists complaining about it?
If no one would use it because it is so bad why would anyone care that it is trained on their products?
Do you know this joke about MAGA and the Schrodinger’s immigrant? They somehow believe that immigrants are both stealing people jobs and lazy and living on wellfare.
AntiAI bros are somehow similar. AI is at the same time stealing artists jobs and completely useless incapable of producing nothing that people would want.
I would love AI. Still waiting for it. Probably 50 years away (if human society lasts that long).
What I hate is the term being yet another scientific term to get stolen and watered down by brainless capitalists so they can scam money out of other brainless capitalists.
The term AI as we use it today has been in use in the field of computer science for more than 50 years
The term that you describe as AI is what researchers in the field have called AGI for more than a decade.
The only place where AI is used to mean a artificial intelligence on the same level of humans is in fucking science fiction.
Is it hard to comprehend that when people say AI on the topic of something made by computer scientists they refer to the thing computer scientists call AI?
Do you go on gaming conversations and say: “Um… Akshually… it’s not AI… it’s just a behaviour heuristics 🤓”
“Brainless capitalists” weren’t invented in 2019.
Oh yes, Alan Turing, such a famous capitalist.
I suppose you did say more than fifty years, which technically includes someone that died in 1954, but he also defined it in a way that even current models don’t meet, so here we are, back at brainless capitalists.
they will automate all menial jobs, fire %90 of the workers and ask remaining %10 to oversee the AI automated tasks while also doing all other tasks which can not be automated. all so that shareholders can add some more billions on top of their existing stack of billions.
Sure, Eli Whitney.
How about the machines automate the complicated jobs to make as many menial jobs for me as possible? Computers these days are all lazy. They could optimize scheduling so the neighbors and I all get time together and time apart for a hundred hours of kicking dirt down at the office each year, instead they hang around doing vapes and abstract paintings of hands.
For me, it’s because AI is referring to a LLM, which is not AI. Also, these LLMs use a crap load of energy to do things that we can currently do ourselves for much less energy.
But actual AI? Yes, please!