• sweetpotato@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    And they kept on voting blue and both parties kept on getting more reactionary and moving the center to the right ad infimum…

    • deaf_fish@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      Yes, because our only two choices are to vote and not vote. Once we vote we can’t protest, spread information, build dual power structures, try to create progressive candidates, or do any other organizational efforts to try to shift the available candidates.

      You get only one progressive action every 4 years.


      • sweetpotato@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        Who talked about action outside of voting? That goes without saying lol. You probably don’t want to understand what I mean, third party voting that is.

        • deaf_fish@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          Okay, let’s say there’s only two parties A and B. In a first pass the post system. These are the only two parties that matter. If a 3rd party C is less popular than A or B, they don’t stand a chance. Also people whos preferences are in order C, B, then A. If they vote for C, they are voting for a candidate that cannot possibly win. They are effectively taking votes away from B giving A a higher chance to win.

          This sucks but it is reality.

          The only way to get C voted in is for C to become more popular than A or B. There is no amount of voting or not voting that can do this. Only organizing as I have mentioned before.

          So to maximize your desired outcomes, you need to vote B so that A has less of a chance to win.

          To put this in another way. By not voting or voting for C you are by consequence, increasing the probability your least desirable outcome comes to pass.

          Again, this sucks and I wish it weren’t the case.

          Now if you personally don’t want to vote, or you want to vote for C. That’s fine. It’s a free country. Please stop trying to make it sound like it’s some grand plan to solve all of the systemic problems we have. Because the outcome of going down this path is that A will have a higher probability of getting into power, and there will be consequences to that.

          • sweetpotato@lemmy.ml
            2 months ago

            This is such childish logic lol. Why do you explain the most obvious argument ever to me? Do you think this hasn’t crossed my mind? It’s what every democrat voter says. It’s in fact the only argument in favour of the democrats I’ve been hearing for this election.

            The truth however is that there comes a point when the lesser evil becomes evil. Just because party A is more evil, doesn’t take away from the fact that B is evil as well. It sucks to admit this, doesn’t it? So there are only two alternatives for this one. You either think that the biggest genocide and humanitarian crisis of the 21st century - for which they are as much responsible as Israel is - has been handled even remotely adequately by the Democrats or you don’t think it’s such a big deal to begin with. So which is it?

            Do you have a conscience? Do you want to make them realize their atrocious actions have consequences? Or will you give them the vote that says I’m still ok with what you do? I don’t care about strategies, my votes are only based on my beliefs and who matches them the most.

            • deaf_fish@lemm.ee
              1 month ago

              Sorry about necroing this, I needed a break from the socials, but I really wanted to reply to you.

              Why do you explain the most obvious argument ever to me?

              I don’t know what you know or don’t know. I am happy you are well educated.

              The truth however is that there comes a point when the lesser evil becomes evil.

              See here is a good point from you which I missed in my original writeup. If the outcomes of both A and B are the same, then you should vote for C. The issue is that this almost never happens. Like we would need to have Trump vs a clone of Trump that is 5 minutes old. The issue with your “evil” argument is that what can be considered evil is very broad. Take this hypothetical:

              Both A and B have supported genocide like Biden. A says they love it, they want to do more of it, they want to turn the US of A into the US of Genocide. B says that they regret it and that it was a bad move, and they wont do it again.

              In this case, both A and B have supported genocide and are their for are both Evil. Even so, if you vote for C the outcome is that A is more likely to be elected. By your own definition, voting for C is an evil act.

              Do you have a conscience? Do you want to make them realize their atrocious actions have consequences?

              Are good things good and bad things bad? Yes. I feel like we are aligned in values, we just disagree about how to go about it.

              Or will you give them the vote that says I’m still ok with what you do?

              As we have discussed most voting is not approval it is picking the lesser of two evils. Most elections have been between a shit sandwich and a poop cupcake. Seems this election will be about the same.

              I don’t care about strategies, my votes are only based on my beliefs and who matches them the most.

              Ok great, then don’t comment. Your mad at me because you don’t have a strategy but want seem clever and make comments like “And they kept on voting blue and both parties kept on getting more reactionary and moving the center to the right ad infimum…”, and then you say your going to vote 3rd party, witch is against your own interests probably (Maybe your a Trumper). Then you get mad at me for explain basic voting strategy. I’m just trying to understand what happening and trying to help others who might not understand how the system works.

              If you want to vote based on feelings and not outcomes, fine, keep it to yourself.

              • sweetpotato@lemmy.ml
                1 month ago

                This is such a disappointing take honestly. Using A and B parties to make your argument sound more logical than it is. The Democrats have not in any shape or form regretted their actions, nor are they denouncing Israel and Netanyahu, Biden made his unwavering support for them abundantly clear after the ICC arrest warrant for him.

                By my own definition voting C is definitely not an evil act, what kind of twisted logic is this? I don’t want to vote for a party that fully supports a genocide and has done nothing to reverse republican, neoliberal policies. I’m voting for someone that I believe will fix things and I think everyone should do the same if we want to see change at some point.

                Like I’ve already said about the poopcake and shit sandwich and the lesser of two evils(you kind of say it yourself), at some point, both parties are so indistinguishable and so very far away from any ideal and vision that I have for the world, that my conscience doesn’t allow me to vote for them. Both are genocidal, both are neoliberal, dismantling the welfare state and increasing exponentially the profits of the 1%. If you vote for the lesser evil, it just means that you think one is at least a little bit satisfactory, to which I couldn’t be more opposed.

                Why should I keep to myself my opinions on voting? Do you not like other people expressing their opinions and throwing shade on your beloved democrats? Why shouldn’t more people realize that both are extremely evil and bad and shouldn’t be supported? I am not mad because I don’t have a strategy, I am mad that people still support people committing and funding genocides first and foremost. I don’t get mad at your kindergarten logic that is the first thing that pops to anyone’s mind when they realize that maybe they shouldn’t vote blue. Why should you try to help others and not me? I’m not confused or mad, I know very well what I am doing.

                Btw I explicitly said I am voting based on my beliefs and ideology and you try to reduce my criteria as “feelings”, as if anyone’s voting and beliefs are somehow detached from feelings or that I don’t use logic. Imagine thinking that supporting ideas and values you’ve extensively and carefully talked, read and thought about for years is somehow inferior to your highly sophisticated: blue no matter who.

                I’ll say it once again to make it clear: our difference is very simply that you are satisfied with the Democrats in power, while I am not. Any problems that arise are just not a deal-breaker to you, while they very much are to me.

  • niktemadur@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Not voting because bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe, even after the goddamned 2016-21 dark ages, is the leftist version of anti-vaxx anti-mask. Too many people seem to be equally lazy plus self-centered equals stupid, in all directions.

    Whether it’s about putting a piece of cloth on your face or voting, they’re special; above it all; they know what the truth is, and we’re the dumb ones for not seeing it, we’re the dumb ones for doing something, for choosing a path of effort/inconvenience/civic duty instead of inaction. And we are the mindless herd to them.

    EDIT: Then you tell them that republican and russian troll farms are flooding their discussions, concern trolling about genocide while russia itself is invading Ukraine with genocidal intentions, with the explicit intent to get them to not vote because they are manipulable in bad faith, and do they seem to care?

    • shikitohno@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      “Everyone who doesn’t agree with me 100% is either an idiot, lazy, self-centered, and/or the enemy,” the true mark of a thriving democracy. Democrats can pat themselves on the back with that one all the way to a loss at the polls, then bust out their best surprised Pikachu face and blame leftists again when it turns out their unpopular platform of saying, “Well, we’re marginally less shit than the other guy!” doesn’t transform into a win.

      I know this is uncharted territory, but perhaps Democrats could try being a bit less shit, rather than constantly punching left? Zero pressure on Democrat candidates to not be absolute trash, and then you have the gall to act surprised that people aren’t tripping over themselves to back them when their platform is less than inspiring. If you guys put half the effort into whipping your preferred candidates into shape rather than brow beating anyone who dares criticize them, your bullshit hand wringing about evil, stupid leftists would be entirely unnecessary.

      • Franklin@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        This isn’t about a difference in political opinion it’s about encouraging not voting.

        You can choose non-participation and you can fool yourself that it washes your hands but it does not stop the status quo, in fact it encourages it.

        • LotrOrc@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          I’ll vote but I’ll vote third party

          You guys will get pissed at that too

          Democrats haven’t done shit for decades now. Every single time they come in, it’s a little glitter on top of the steaming shit pile left by the republican counterpart, and then the same old stuff as them, just with different words. Doesn’t matter which party is in the White House, both of them are bought out completely by fossil fuels, tech, pharma, and all the other main industries. The Democrats are not a left wing party, they are a center right party that has been drifting ever more towards the right.

          If their only running point is that they’re not as bad as the republicans, well honestly, they have shown that to not be true. The same things that would have happened under the republicans is happening under the Democrats. Joe Biden is the one calling people who protest against genocide anti semites. He’s the one okay with the national guard and heavily militarized police beating up and arresting American citizens because they protest another country having exorbitant power here.

          How is that different from Trump saying the same thing when Democrats were upset about Russia? How are you all okay with another country blatantly directing America’s leaders? And buying our politics?

          If you guys can only ever dream of two choices, when literally half the western governments have more than two choices and have to form coalitions, that’s your own failing. The two party system was always broken that’s why even George fucking Washington warned against it 250 odd years ago.

          But if you want a third choice you’re gonna have to vote for one. And telling everyone they should stick their head in the sand and only vote for two pieces of a shit sandwich because it’s been like that for a while is cowardly. Dream of a better world, then make one. Don’t just dream of it and say ah well it’s out of reach.

          • TachyonTele@lemm.ee
            2 months ago

            Voting third party in this election is useless. All you would be doing is throwing your vote away.

            This isn’t a one issue election. It’s a crossroads.

            • LotrOrc@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              They say that about literally every single election

              The standards have sunk so low it is staggering

                • LotrOrc@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  By that logic you should never vote for a third party ever because the chances are low

                  By that logic you should never try to change anything or challenge the status quo because what’s the point.

                  People thought the divine right of kings was the only viable system for a thousand years too

  • Ferrous@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    2 months ago

    If we are to believe Biden at his word that Trump will attempt a fascist coup regardless of election results, why is he spending his time banning tik tok instead of truth social?

    • YeetPics@mander.xyz
      2 months ago

      Nah, I trust trump’s own words about what another trumpian term would be like, has remarkably little to do with the other one.

    • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
      2 months ago
      1. Because there is a legitimate security reason to ban Tiktok, while banning Truth Social for supporting a fascist would run up against the 1st Amendment.

      2. Because there’s rare bipartisan agreement on banning Tiktok due to the security risks presented by the Chinese government.

      3. Because the Tiktok ban is unrelated to the election. As evidenced by the normally hyperpartisan GOP being onboard.

      4. Because Biden is a democrat, small d, and believes that elections should be largely free and fair, and silencing the opposition is neither. Yes, including if the opposition consists of fascists.

      5. Because that would feed into the right-wing narrative of “The DEMS are OPPRESSING US” which can sway low-information voters with singular high-profile incidents repeated loudly and often.

      • Ferrous@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        2 months ago

        Get real man. Tik Tok was never about China. It was always about silencing support for Palestinians. This is known.

        Why do I feel like you’re the type to argue that fascist rhetoric is protected under the 1st amendment? If you think fascists deserve a platform, you are the bad guy. This is liberalism.

        • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
          2 months ago

          It is known.

          Not unlike common sense. Commonly held, and very often wrong, because it just appeals to the prejudices and preconceptions of the person repeating it.

          Why do I feel like you’re the type to argue that fascist rhetoric is protected under the 1st amendment? If you think fascists deserve a platform, you are the bad guy. This is liberalism.

          Because it literally is. Whether you agree with that or not, the ACLU has gone to bat on the issue and established the issue several times in the highest courts of the land. If you’re arguing that Biden should be doing something he doesn’t have the power to do, I don’t know what to tell you.

          • Ferrous@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            2 months ago

            So let me get this straight… you hold (one specific reading of) the first amendment to be so sacred, that you’d sooner follow it and allow its dissolution by fascists, than deplatform the fascists who wish to dissolve it?

            You’d sacrifice your constitution and nation just so that you could have the moral benefit of having followed it?

            • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
              2 months ago

              So let me get this straight… you hold (one specific reading of) the first amendment to be so sacred, that you’d sooner follow it and allow its dissolution by fascists, than deplatform the fascists who wish to dissolve it?

              This is not the place or time for the argument of the question of how much power the government should have to decide what kind of politics count as unacceptably fascist. This is about Biden - Biden does not have the power nor political support to shut down Truth Social, so why the fuck bring it up?

              • Ferrous@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                2 months ago

                So all of these obstacles that you list as reasons to why Biden is so ineffective - why didn’t he just nominate an AG who’d give him a free pass to do anything he wanted - like Trump? Why isn’t Biden bending the rule of law to halt fascism?

                The answer is because you cling to “precedence” and “civility” so hard that you’d rather see a fascist takeover before a democrat disobeys your precious rules and processes that were set up by 30 year old slave owners. To liberals, the rule of law takes precedence over a fascist takeover. It is bizarre.

                • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
                  2 months ago

                  It’s bizarre that the president isn’t a dictator, because otherwise a president who’s a dictator could be elected.

                  That’s an interesting point of view.

        • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          It was always about silencing support for Palestinians

          This makes you look so uninformed it is literally causing me to cringe. The ban was proposed several years ago, by republicans originally.

          What the absolute fuck. When you say something so uninformed, it makes me think you actually are just mad about your funny videos and will look for anything else that sounds less pathetic to whine about

            • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              Motherfucker, Democrats got on board YEARS AGO because giving an authoritarian government full access to surveil your citizens is a fucking no brainer thing to want to prevent.

              All you’re doing here is revealing that you’ve no idea what’s been happening in the world. Probably due to endlessly scrolling through 15 second clips.

              Ps I will never click a TikTok link, even if it wasn’t clearly irrelevant

  • menas@lemmy.wtf
    2 months ago

    Vote or don’t but organize internationally

    I’m not from the US, and no, I’m not feeling safer with liberal or not. Imperialism is pretty much the same. I don’t know what is worse, but I’m sure that in both cases, it would worthless if you have not a strong anti-imperialist and organized movement inside an international organization.

    For example, my organization is in the ICL, like the IWW.

  • S_204@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    I’m not American, but I am fascinated by the cognitive dissonance it takes for these People who claim to be progressive to chart a path that clearly puts Trump in office while claiming they’re fighting for the very people that Trump has already banned from being in America.

    Trump would be bad for America and for the world, but a part of me wants to see y’all elect him again, just out of curiosity. The stupidity knows no bounds.

    • WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I mean I think most of the time the people who are doing that aren’t necessarily progressives. They’re just people who cared enough to vote before against trump but now just feel like nothing has really happened. Sure things haven’t gotten worse but they also haven’t really gotten better. So they checkout of politics all together cause what’s the point in voting if nothing really changes.

      • S_204@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        Again, I’m not American, but I can’t believe that any American could claim that. Nothing has changed from Trump to Biden. It’s absolutely obvious there’s been a wholesale change in how America is viewed globally. There’s been a change in the economy for the better and the American president isn’t in the news for saying something foolish everyday.

        It’s crazy that people would say nothing has changed.

    • phoenixz@lemmy.ca
      2 months ago

      As opposed to trump? Because trump is the only alternative, saying anything different is really sadly naive. Trump already indicated he’s willing and happy to commit true and complete genocide, wipe the Palestinians all out soooo… But Biden isn’t pushing back at Israel hard enough, so yeah, we should get trump in the White House. At least Trump will truely destroy Palestine, and then basically the world. He’ll stop help to Ukraine so that his daddy Putin can conquer that all and then move on to the Baltic states and soon Poland. Meanwhile he’ll install himself as a dictator (his own words, multiple times) so US democracy will also be fucked.

      Yeah, sounds like you made the right choice, MAGA MAGA MAGA!

      (For those missing it, that last paragraph is one fucking big /s)

      • cumskin_genocide@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        It would be best if Biden won because he would help with the evacuation of Palestinians. They lost. Let’s face it. They can’t fight back against Israel. We should just give the land to Israel and move the Palestinians to the US. Send them to Nevada or something, I hear it’s very similar. What Israel is doing is a defensive war and we need to support that. Look how crazy leftist are becoming by being brainwashed by tiktok and other far left platforms. We need to solve the issue sooner rather than later. Move the Palestinians out of Israel and give them reservations like what we did to the Indians. Biden would be open to such ideas and he would ensure their safety. Like it’s literally in the bible that the land belongs to the Jews.

        Trump would just encourage an escalation of the war to a wider middle east front. We don’t need another iraq quagmire.

        • phoenixz@lemmy.ca
          1 month ago

          Move all the Palestinians to Nevada… You really don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, don’t you

          • cumskin_genocide@lemm.ee
            1 month ago

            Israel already won. Biden supports their war. Whether or not you like it, the land is theirs and they’re conquering it slowly either through settlements or outright killing the people and herding them to even smaller plots of land. The best solution for the Palestinians would be to move them to a new country and start over. The US should give them a fly over state.

            • phoenixz@lemmy.ca
              1 month ago

              This has nothing to do with winning. The Palestinians have no standing army and barely any weapons to speak of, and Israel is already commiting genocide.

              Removing the Palestinians from their lands is ethnic cleansing, by definition. So your solution to stop a genocide is to commit ethnic cleansing, Got it. Hitler would have loved to have you around

  • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    "If you don’t vote for genocide, your actually voting for trump 🤓 "

    I’m still voting 3rd party and the blue state I live in will still give genocide Joe my vote so don’t worry OP. We’ll continue to provide weapons to the country that just has whistle blowers leak evidence on concentration camps. Good to know that concentration camps aren’t a deal breaker for you. 😮‍💨

      • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
        2 months ago

        “We should end genocide somewhat”

        Literally the Biden position. Which is a mild milquetoast lukewarm moderate take on an issue that should be far more serious.

        But I guess Trump’s “We should intensify and start new genocides” is more appealing.

        • OccamsTeapot@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Literally the Biden position. Which is a mild milquetoast lukewarm moderate take on an issue that should be far more serious.

          The extent to which he’s done this (not much) he’s been dragged there by protests and complaints from voters. Literally what the people you’re criticising are doing.

          But I guess Trump’s “We should intensify and start new genocides” is more appealing.

          You could not be more like the meme if you tried. Only an idiot would vote Trump because of this. Most people are just pissed off at Biden for what you describe as his mild, milquetoast moderate take on the issue. It’s almost like you agree but you still shame people with “Trump would be worse” as if 95% of us complaining don’t already know that.

          I expect better from Biden. That’s it. If we can’t criticise him for this dogshit policy then when can we?

          • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
            2 months ago

            I expect better from Biden. That’s it. If we can’t criticise him for this dogshit policy then when can we?

            There’s a vast fucking difference between criticizing him for his Israel policy and peddling “both sides” and “I’ll never vote for Joe!” shite, or throwing a fit over being told that sitting by and letting Trump win is literally just voting for more genocide, regardless of whether you pissed away your vote in Green or Republican red.

            • OccamsTeapot@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              Yes, and pretending that those people you describe represent a majority or even a substantial proportion of the people criticizing him is disingenuous and frankly insulting. Criticism is just that, criticism. And it is deserved.

              • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
                2 months ago

                On here? It’s definitely a substantial minority. I’m not out on the streets bitching about Biden being attacked from the left - I’m on the Fediverse bitching about it.

                • OccamsTeapot@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  And we’re only complaining on the Fediverse too. About something pretty fair to complain about.

                  I think the amount here that say “they’re both the same” or will actually vote Trump is very small.

                  Not voting I can understand a lot more but obviously not a good decision pragmatically

    • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
      2 months ago

      Good to know that MORE concentration camps isn’t a deal-breaker for you to have the smug satisfaction of voting third-party. Who the fuck cares about the support Trump has already promised genocidaires in Israel and the genocide he’s promising here in the US? You have to FEEL good about yourself!

      I hope we’re not in line together at the camps.

      • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Again my state will go blue regardless of who I vote for. I’m gonna vote for someone who is anti-concentration camp, unlike you. I get the electoral college is a little hard for you to understand but again please calm down.

        Palestinians are the ones being put in concentration camps not your privileged ass or mine.

        • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
          2 months ago

          Palestinians are the ones being put in concentration camps

          And you’re voting for increased support to Israel. Know what that does?

          not your privileged ass or mine.

          Speak for your fucking self. Or have you not been paying attention to the current state of the Republican Party?

          • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            Yeah, the Republicans are even worse than the dems I know. Just because I’m not afraid to admit that the Dems are backing genocide and it’s not going to work out well for them in the election doesn’t mean I support the Republicans.

            • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
              2 months ago

              Fuck, do I have to explain to you how the trolley problem works? Is that how basic we’re gonna have to get here?

              • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                The only thing forcing us to pick a lesser of two evils is the idea that it’s the only option we have. Until we get past that, we’re going to be locked in this cycle of picking really bad fascist or fascist who only support genocide over seas.

                The eagerness you have to keep people in this trap and shame them for trying to do anything else is part of the problem. Until You and everyone else grows up and moves on from that (which is really unlikely) we will be stuck In this cycle.

                That’s all there is to it.

                • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
                  2 months ago

                  The only thing forcing us to pick a lesser of two evils is the idea that it’s the only option we have.

                  It’s the only option we have because the last time we had a good option, in 2020, not enough fucking people turned out to get the better option on the ballot. That’s democracy, unfortunately. Maybe next time I’ll be able to count the number of primary voters in my precinct on my hands and toes instead of just my hands.

                  The eagerness you have to keep people in this trap and shame them for trying to do anything else is part of the problem. Until You and everyone else grows up and moves on from that (which is really unlikely) we will be stuck In this cycle.

                  Oh, don’t worry. If Trump wins, you won’t have to fret about being ‘stuck in this cycle’ anymore.

        • Asafum@feddit.nl
          2 months ago

          Oh hey look it’s a real “it can never happen here” out in the wild!

          Yeah. Never is a very long time and we’re on the fast track to fascism.

          • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            It can totally happen here in fact it is. I was just arguing with a bunch of genocide supports from here this morning actually.

            I hate Trump. Trump is a fascist. I just don’t pretend like Biden and the Dems aren’t either. Scratch a liberal fascist bleeds

  • Plume (She/Her)@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    2 months ago

    On one hand, you have people who are mostly comfortable with letting Palestinians die. On the other, people who openly talk about nuking them.

    You have a group of people who may be willing to throw minorities under the bus. And you have another group that is waiting for the opportunity to do so and make it law.

    Both choices are terrible, I agree, but there is one that is a clear better over the other. It sucks, but you have to accept that it’s the way it is for now and you are not going to pull some third party out of your ass. That is going to have to wait for now. You have to make a decision between the lesser of two evils.

    I’m counting on you, Americans. As a trans woman from a European country which political climate is heavily influenced by yours, I can quite confidently say that my rights are in your hands.

    Quite frankly, I can’t think of a more terrifying thought, but it is what it is.

    Don’t fuck this up. Please.

      • Plume (She/Her)@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        2 months ago

        Hey, if you’d rather have the Republicans open fascists in power, you do you. I question your survival instincts, but still. I just hope you’re just a tiny vocal minority, otherwise we might be all fucked. Or, if you’re not a vocal minority… well, I hope you’re right and I’m wrong.

        We’ll see I guess.

          • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
            2 months ago

            I love it. It doesn’t matter that Biden has consistently supported trans rights with tangible action during his administration, trans people are still under attack, so it’s Literally All The Same. Like people who ask why there are still fires if there are firefighters.

            • whoreticulture@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              2 months ago

              The tangible actions he waited until his final year of the term to enact, that are instantly being challenged by states. That’s not consistent and it’s hardly tangible. You’re not going to tell me that my own struggles are worth ignoring a genocide.

              • TheFonz@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                So which is it? He hasn’t done anything or he waited too long in his term? How does any of this even compare to the other guy??? Sometimes I wonder if you guys are smoking shrooms because you make no sense

  • Crikeste@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    So just let Joe Biden do his genocide without consequences?

    No. If this is what America is, it deserves to suffer.

    And you deserve to suffer for your perpetuating of the fascists systems of America.

    I hope you’re happy, I hope you’re proud.

    You sat back and did nothing, then complained.

      • Crikeste@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        I hope you’re proud to stand up for nothing. It’s not like America was built on uprise or anything. Typical American though, knowing nothing about how your country was founded.

        Stand up, or sit back and watch. The only two options.

        • starman2112@sh.itjust.works
          2 months ago

          I love when people shit on Americans for not wanting to ruin their lives for something that only approximately 3% of the country actually gives a shit about

  • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Any rising fascism inside the US pales in comparison to the actual fascism that is and has been its foreign policy. And that’s bipartisan consensus.

    • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      Hey everyone, remember when white leftists were on about how they’re the only ones that actually take the threat of fascism in america seriously?

      • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        America is already a fascist country, when it comes to its foreign policy. If you’re worried about fascism internally in the future then you should also be worried about “foreign policy” right now, but who cares about being complicit in the war machine as long as you get healthcare right?

  • dylanmorgan@slrpnk.net
    2 months ago

    Voting for someone who is less bad is harm reduction. You can do harm reduction, while loudly proclaiming that it fucking sucks there’s not a better option, and working to provide better options.

    I hate Biden. But I hate (and fear) the prospect of a second trump term more.

  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    I’m trans. I’ll probably be made illegal and have to run for my life to a blue state, or flee the country.

    I’m still not voting for genocide. I’d rather literally kill myself.

    • Godric@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      You’re awfully confident that a Trump presidency means an improvement for Palestinians, can you walk me through that?

      • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        First, Democrats would actually oppose genocide if Trump was president. The largest protest movement in American history happened under Trump! Under Biden, Democrats just stay home and scold anyone who protests for hurting Biden’s election chances.

        Second, Trump is a fucking moron. He’ll fuck it up. Trump would alienate Israel even more, turning it into a pariah state. Trump would weaken and isolate the US hegemon even further, driving more and more countries into China’s arms. Trump might even trigger the collapse of the US itself, the collapse of NATO, the collapse of ECOWAS, the collapse of ASEAN, thus freeing the world of the Great Satan’s empire. Imagine Chinese electric car factories in Mexico. Inshallah~

        EDIT Oh, third, because I guess you were confused and I should clarify. I don’t know Trump will be better! That’s why I’m not voting for him. I’m voting Dem downticket and writing Aaron Bushnell in for President, because Aaron already cast the most important vote this election. Trump might be worse and my predictions about how he will fail might be wrong, but Biden is already doing genocide and trade war and letting red states do whatever they want to people like me. I can’t predict who will be better or worse, because they’re both my enemy. I do not care which one wins. Get it?

    • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      Congratulations, you are.

      And you’re going to take other trans people with you.

      • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        Biden won’t stop my red state from making me illegal. I can see it already! Red state declares being transgender to be a sex crime, it goes to the Supreme Court where they rule 5-4 in favor of the red state, and now I either flee or get rounded up into the camps.

        And all you will do is use this as campaign material to encourage people to vote for Democrats. You won’t help me, Biden won’t help me, I’ll just be detransitioned in prison and probably murdered. This could happen in Biden’s next term and nothing would change.

        Instead, how about you start thinking outside the ballot box and get ready to do something that actually matters?

        • papertowels@lemmy.one
          2 months ago

          The feeling of resignation is a direct result of letting trump in the first time and him appointing multiple conservative judges, especially on the supreme court. I’m not sure making it easier for him to repeat this again will help.

          Also, fwiw Biden is trying to help many people, but is also getting pretty tied up by said judges.

          • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
            2 months ago

            I didn’t “let” Trump in the first time? I voted and donated and then he stole the election because this is a shithole country where the candidate that loses the popular vote can become President anyway. Half the presidents in my lifetime lost the popular vote! It’s a joke.

            And guess what? It’s too late. The fascists already stole the Court because of Mitch McConnell deciding he didn’t want to play by the rules anymore. It’s over. 6-3! It can’t get easier, they can win every Court case they ever want and nothing fucking matters. Biden is “trying” but because he keeps playing by the rules he will always lose. He’ll keep “trying” while I’m marched to my death and that’s not fucking good enough.

            If my state passed a law that said it is legal to hunt down and murder trans people, I’d be dead before Biden did jack shit about it.

      • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        The number one killer of queer and trans people has been US foreign policy and its unlimited support for israels genocide. You know brown people can be queer and trans right?

        • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          Ah, yes, it’s the US’ foreign policy that’s responsible for Iranian morality police killing brown LGBTQ+ people. It’s US foreign policy that’s responsible for Russia’s hard right turn that’s made being gay punishable by prison. It’s US foreign policy that’s responsible for passing laws that make being gay punishable by death sentences in parts of Africa (okay, that one is directly linked to support from evangelicals in the US, but they’re not acting as representatives for the US, and the US in general has been appalled by those laws).

          People in Gaza are going to be murdered regardless of which person is elected in the US. OTOH, LGBTQ+ people in the US will continue to have legal protections if Biden gets re-elected, and definitely won’t if Trump gets elected.

          But really my dude (and I mean that in a gender-neutral way), if you’re so sure that it won’t matter in the slightest, if you are absolutely convinced by your own righteous cause, go right ahead and vote for Trump, and then tell allllllllll your LGBTQ+ friends that you voted for Trump because Both Sides, and see what happens. Go ahead, do it. Explain to them that they’re all chumps and suckers, see just how far that goes with them.

          • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
            2 months ago

            People in Gaza are going to be murdered regardless of which person is elected in the US. OTOH, LGBTQ+ people in the US will continue to have legal protections if Biden gets re-elected, and definitely won’t if Trump gets elected.

            Unless red states and the Supreme Court decide to take away those protections under Biden’s second term. Do you think Biden would stop them?

            • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
              2 months ago

              SCOTUS blocked Biden’s attempts to cancel student loan debt. But he kept working at it, and he’s managed to get some of it to go through. I expect that, even if red states and SCOTUS block specific policies that are intended to protect that rights of LGBTQ+ people that Biden will keep working to find a way around them that still follows the law. And, if we can manage to flip the House and retain the Senate, then maybe we can actually get laws passed, rather than only executive actions.

              • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
                2 months ago

                I’m all for flipping the House and retaining the Senate! I’m voting Dem downticket, so if Trump wins it won’t really matter.

                But I won’t vote for genocide. Maybe next election Dems will fucking listen when I demand they stop supporting genocide.

                I really think the blue-no-matter-who’s would be better off encouraging this strategy. Biden is toxic. Cut him loose.

                • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
                  2 months ago

                  If you don’t vote Biden, then don’t be surprised when Trump uses executive orders that accelerate the genocide.

          • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
            2 months ago

            listen up removed (gender neutral) I’m not going along with your bullshit warmongering, no matter who you threaten me with because the Democrats eat shit.

            Democrats are worthless when it comes to protecting trans people, and yeah shit sucks for queer people in other parts of the world too, but you’re not influencing that positively by including them as the excuse for your wars and interference. Treating people like pawns doesn’t engender loyalty.

            • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
              2 months ago

              Democrats are worthless when it comes to protecting trans people,

              Uh huh. And yet Biden expanded protections for trans people under Title IX, and the governors that are all trying to criminalize simply being LGBTQ+ are all Republican.

              Again: vote for Trump, and tell all you IRL LGBTQ+ friends that you voted for Trump because Both Sides Are the Same, and see what happens. I don’t think you have the guts to do that. Prove me wrong. Shit, post it publicly on Facebook and Instagram before the election. Go ahead. Tell your friends that you don’t care enough about their safety right here in the US to do the absolute bare minimum, to step over a bar that’s so low that it’s on the ground, to help protect them. Don’t be a coward; say it directly to their faces instead of hiding behind a semi-anonymous account online.

              • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
                2 months ago

                I already told everybody I knew I voted for Hillary back in 2020, you can relax lady (gender neutral).