I refuse to play games that I can’t quit within 2 minutes of starting it. Persona series is one of those that I refuse to play. My time is way to valuable to commit an hour or more to 1 activity.
I think you’ll miss out on a lot of great games thinking that way! Sometimes needing to commit time into a game is where a lot of the value comes from in its experience, and persona is one of those series.
I refuse to play games that I can’t quit within 2 minutes of starting it. Persona series is one of those that I refuse to play. My time is way to valuable to commit an hour or more to 1 activity.
I think you’ll miss out on a lot of great games thinking that way! Sometimes needing to commit time into a game is where a lot of the value comes from in its experience, and persona is one of those series.
So no games with words at all I would assume? Shit even a round of Tetris is longer than 2 minutes.
So do you just play on Xbox where you can jump between titles and have it save your game state?
Yes actually. It’s my favorite part about Xbox.
You’re joking, right ?
So you won’t watch an hr+ movie?
No i refuse to watch movies. The last movie I’ve seen was Lion King 1/2
That’s not valuing your time, friendo. That’s undiagnosed ADD.