Guaranteed that manager has had a toddler. You either get used to handling unreasonable anger or develop anger issues of your own
That reminds me. I ordered Uber eats and the driver, a black girl, drives up and it’s hysterical. She’s telling me how her last delivery was a racist PoS, threatened cops on her, and she’s so sorry about my order but angry about the situation. I’m just standing there hungry for my food.
We sat on the porch and I let her calm down, then I dont know why, but I asked if she wanted a hug. She was taken back but she agreed, and it was a super weird hug. But she felt better I think. I dunno.
Resonate this super hard, and I’m in the second camp.
Everything seems to set me off at home. I just want to rage against everyone and it’s fucking shameful.
Sometimes it’s just as simple as changing your perspective a little.
My uncle has pretty bad anger issues. Almost every workday he’d have to drive downtown, usually when the traffic was the worst (and he hated downtown driving to begin with), and he’d get super stressed and rage about it. He’d try to make it so he didn’t have to go downtown, but almost without fail something would come up and he’d be stuck doing it.
He told me he realized it wasn’t healthy, so he tried fixing it by changing it from thinking of it as ‘goddamnit I have to drive downtown again after I tried so hard not to!’ to ‘oh well, have to do my daily downtown trip’. And then when he occasionally didn’t have to go downtown, it became sort of an extra bonus treat.
He was amazed at how much anger he lost, just with a small change in thinking.
What’s a home fries? Isn’t fries just short for french fries? I don’t speak american
I think home fries is when you cut the potato in cubes and wedges (the recipe says 1 inch chunks) and then fry them.
Isn’t that called “country potatoes”?
Almost. Home fries, in my area, are flatter. So 1*1 square but 1/2 to 1/4 tall.
We just call those chunky chips.
WAAAAY better than the fantasies I see posted of revenge for someone’s behavior. It’s possible to be the bigger person and still not tolerate bad behavior.
So did she get a hug?
Asking the real question
Actually that’s sexual assault. You can still ask if she’s okay without threatening her with sexual assault.
Asking for consent is now sexual assault?
Got it, so don’t ask first right?
What part of !asking! if they want a hug makes it sexual assault? What part of a hug is sexual???
This type of person probably thinks two guys hugging is gay. I’m straight but I’ll take a hug from anyone. I love hugs.
Hey! You dropped this 🧠
I’ve been looking for that for ages. Cheers.