Minnesota Governor and former VP candidate Tim Walz is launching a town hall tour in Republican-held districts where representatives have stopped holding public events.
Starting in Iowa and Nebraska, he plans stops in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Ohio. Walz says he wants to amplify voter concerns about the Trump administration and Republican policies.
He denies using the tour to prepare for a national run, instead framing it as a way to keep Democrats engaged post-election.
His team has received hundreds of invitations from local leaders.
AOC’s district leaned way more heavily towards Trump. Either they cheated literally everywhere or the results were valid.
There was a misleading post about “bullet ballots”, but if you looked into the numbers they didn’t check out.
If you look into bullet ballots there are outliers that need to be investigated but weren’t. Not to mention Trump has admitted to manipulating the votes several times, even within the last couple of days. It’s on video.
The numbers in that “bullet ballots” post were lies. They were convincing if true, but they just weren’t true. North Carolina didn’t have 7.1% bullet ballots, for instance, and the swing states weren’t significantly different from their surrounding states, as he claimed they were.
Part of the reason that post sounded so good is that he gave easily verifiable numbers. But those numbers didn’t verify.
It’s really interesting that we look at the same document and have vastly different interpretations of it.
This logic makes no sense… Those are obviously not the only two possibilities there.
Trump straight up said they rigged it like a day or two ago.
There’s enough questionable and suspect evidence that an investigation is warranted. If nothing else, it will put the question to rest. The American people deserve a through investigation.
An investigation by whom? Certainly not our current federal government.