In a struggling company that’s trying to seem like a good nonprofit? Not usually, no. Or at least it’s ill advised. When the Google money stops or goes down, and they’re looking for donations… It’ll be hard to get people on board with financing that salary.
Yeah it also doesn’t help that they’ve gone though a unusually high number of CEOs. Somehow I’m thinking there is more to the story. If the CEO was well liked people probably could overlook crazy pay. That’s not the case here.
It that uncommon? I think it is normal for the top brass to make big bucks.
In a struggling company that’s trying to seem like a good nonprofit? Not usually, no. Or at least it’s ill advised. When the Google money stops or goes down, and they’re looking for donations… It’ll be hard to get people on board with financing that salary.
Yeah it also doesn’t help that they’ve gone though a unusually high number of CEOs. Somehow I’m thinking there is more to the story. If the CEO was well liked people probably could overlook crazy pay. That’s not the case here.
Absolutely. I highly doubt people are willing to donate for paying millions of Dollars to a CEO.