Recommendations for a color, full duplex, laser printer?
Another printer company (Brother) has fallen to the allure of “remote disable” if they object to you using your own device in a way they don’t like: trying to self-service, use third party inks, whatever. It’s at their discretion. Given printers are the sorts of devices to which you tend to want to have network access, preventing this is a lot of work.
I’ve been looking at color duplex laser printers, and Brother has been at the top of the list, until they recently announcement that they’d disable printers using third party inks.
BIFL to me implies that the company isn’t going to actively sabotage self-service, or restrict your usage of the thing, so I think this is an appropriate question for this c/.
I checked the version on my Brother printer, and it’s something like 1.4; the reported issues start around 1.6 or something. I’ve made sure it doesn’t have access to the internet and that auto-updates are also disabled; hopefully the printer will continue working on it’s own. I’ve also downloaded the drivers and software for every o/s the printer works with, so that I’ll hopefully have a non-nerfed version of the computer software for whenever I end up having to upgrade my computer.
I have had my brother printers since ‘18 and have never updated them. They both have a notice about firmware updates. They connect to Dropbox to upload scans, and print via WiFi.