It got 100,000 signatures in its first 11 days. I know quite a few of people on the fediverse are fed up of seeing bot posts about violence against musk cars to distract people from the real problems, so do something that will make a change. But you’ll also need to help others who feel the same and who aren’t around here.

The first time around, there were millions of signatures on the petition so you’ll need to help spread the word about the website. Tell your neighbourhood, your friends and family, work colleagues, and if you’re out and hear people moaning, tell them about it.

Maybe someone can make a separate post to brainstorm ideas? The instance I’m currently on has very few political channels, so maybe you can re-post this elsewhere.

    15 hours ago

    The party in the White House generally loses the midterms, as Trump did last time. This time his behavior is even worse and more widely known. I’m betting on a solid blue ass kicking.

    Will that matter? 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m betting on the Democrats taking the House, maybe the Senate. Will they do jack shit? Not betting.

      7 hours ago

      I sure hope you’re right…I want Trump to get fucked.

      “Will they do jack shit”

      I feel that…as a democrat I’m ashamed they don’t want to get their hands dirty and would rather play by the books. Sometimes you gotta play dirty…fight fire with fire.