Any song that just repeats the same shit on loop for the entire duration.
For example “Say” by John Mayer just says “say what you need to say” 42 times then it doesn’t even have an actual ending, just fades out. It’s definitely not the only song that follows this model.
Music by nature has some degree of repetition, but jfc make more than just two measures before you publish it as a song.
Any song that just repeats the same shit on loop for the entire duration.
For example “Say” by John Mayer just says “say what you need to say” 42 times then it doesn’t even have an actual ending, just fades out. It’s definitely not the only song that follows this model.
Music by nature has some degree of repetition, but jfc make more than just two measures before you publish it as a song.
The end of I’m Your Captain (Closer to Home) by Grand Funk Railroad fits that description.