Just get vaccinated you assholes. That’s what works.
Unlike vitamin C, vitamin A is fat-soluble and overdose can result in death. Vitamin A deficiency is rare in developed countries so what he’s suggesting is that people risk poisoning themselves with no proven benefit for measles.
The CDC in the past has not done a good job at quantifying the risk of vaccines — we are going to do that now
Politicians are not scientists. Scientists understand what they are not, but it would seem like politicians such as RFK Jr are struggling with this.
What about HCQ and horse dewormer, Bobby Brainworms, huh? Are you trying to cover up the real measles cure?
No no. Keep going. I want to see how far the red states are willing to go before they admit their mistake
They won’t. They’ll die. Same reason why polls changed as covid progressed. So many of the idiots killed themselves (unfortunately infecting many others first)
Just let it happen.
“Misleads” fuck this soft shoe, “rfk Jr falsely claims something will work that won’t”
I know saying “lies” is hard for reporters due to lible claims, but fucking say it’s wrong at least.
Recommending Vitamin A alone for measles is much akin to telling people to just walk it off
Worse actually. Vitamin A is easy to overdose on, it’s a fat-soluble vitamin, and people have died from vitamin A toxicity. So they now have both the risk of serious complications and/or death from measles, and the risk of serious complications and/or death from vitamin A toxicity.
And probably a very interesting way to spread the knowledge that yes, you can overdose on vitamins.
Vitamin A is fat soluble, so especially problematic.
Learning by dying.
At least he’s hurting “the right people”?
I thought ‘wall it off’ was their recommendation for polio…
Worse than that since you can actually kill yourself by taking too much vitamin A. It’s more like trying to treat the measles by playing Russian roulette.
Everything special about this man was true when he still had an umbilical chord.
It feels like we’re about 5 minutes away from RFK Jr recommending injecting each other with …I dunno…artisanal organic chlorine bleach or something.
If there weren’t children involved, I would be cheering for this outcome.
and of course there is a high likelihood that the parents are vaccinated while witholding the same protection from their kids.
I am very tired - please make the crazy stop.
The crazy will continue until the leopards have had their fill.
The new admins don’t care about the poor & uneducated. The new American dream is ‘get rich or get fucked’
I’m getting fuckin whiplash over here. He was just admitting vaccines are good
Man’s got Wallace and Gromit in his head looking for cheese. No telling which synapse will burn out next
I heard old raccoon meat cures measles.
Best I can do is a bear carcass and the head of a beached whale…
Sold, American!
Quick someone call Dr. Wallach and Ben Fuchs and then someone needs to soft boil and shit load of eggs in Carnivora.