To my mind, the question is the same for evolutionists and creationists: where did the stuff come from that caused the big bang and where did God come from. And the answer is the same: it’s always been there. I agree about rearrangement of atoms. And also, Adam is atom but that’s a whole metaphysical discussion of kabbalah/quabala and I am doing this in between chores so I’m not particularly interested in opening that can of worms at this moment.
To my mind, the question is the same for evolutionists and creationists: where did the stuff come from that caused the big bang and where did God come from. And the answer is the same: it’s always been there. I agree about rearrangement of atoms. And also, Adam is atom but that’s a whole metaphysical discussion of kabbalah/quabala and I am doing this in between chores so I’m not particularly interested in opening that can of worms at this moment.