Democratic politicians supported the proliferation of law enforcement, on public transportation, in schools, even inside homes, a move that has only served to increase the number of people killed by police. Democratic policies are what first empowered the police to become a violent force against the left and in deference to Trump. What Trump understands is that the glory, power, and social currency of the police serve as the backbone for authoritarianism in the United States. It is a militaristic, hyper masculine system which is impervious to change and maddeningly difficult to monitor.
No, the Democratic leadership is ineffective at best, complicit at worst. They need to go so we have an actual opposition party. They’re not going to do anything but save their own asses.
10 democrats voted with Republicans to censure one of their own. They need to clean house before they can actually mount any opposition.
Blue no matter who was kicking the can down the road to buy some time, but was never a real solution. They weren’t even able to Garner enough popular support so now we’re in this mess.
Time to put people in who are as passionate about protecting the constitution as the current party leadership is about crushing populist candidates.