Democratic politicians supported the proliferation of law enforcement, on public transportation, in schools, even inside homes, a move that has only served to increase the number of people killed by police. Democratic policies are what first empowered the police to become a violent force against the left and in deference to Trump. What Trump understands is that the glory, power, and social currency of the police serve as the backbone for authoritarianism in the United States. It is a militaristic, hyper masculine system which is impervious to change and maddeningly difficult to monitor.
No, I base that on how remarkably ignorant placing the entirety of the 1996 crime bill on Biden is because I was a voting adult who read the news back then. People who weren’t adults back then don’t have the context of that time period that people who were adults then are going to have.
No matter how wounded your ego might be by the suggestion you are never going to have an informed perspective on time periods you weren’t around for compared to those who were.
Sounds like a convenient way to win an argument by dubious virtue of being old.
No, it’s the difference between real life experience and reading about the same event in a book.
Yeah, you got to believe that the crime bill was a good thing in real time.
I was working with advocacy groups that opposed it at the time. i wasnt a fan I just think blaming or giving credit to Biden for it makes no sense.
Didn’t hurt enough minorities for you?
Are we talking about the same crime bill here? The 1994 crime bill that biden sponsored?