Taken from a channelate comic
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Justice for Tuvix!
everyone knows about tuvix. nobody remembers sisko nuking a maquis planet to make eddington turn himself in.
He can live with it. He CAN live with it.
But The Sisko’s a timeless being now, so it’s ok.
Yea there was a discussion between me and a few… old friends (We lost contact over time. I was the asshole.)
Sisko would be tried as a war criminal for some of the stuff he did.
He only made it hostile to humanoid life.
So really, Sisko saved that planet.
Specifically human life IIRC. The Cardassians could have lived there afterward
Lower Decks did. TWICE.
Whole time Tom is eye blinking ‘T O R T U R E’ in morse.
Well she did let Neelix on board, so…/s
Not to mention the unhinged telekinetic tomboy.
But hey, now we know 101 ways to not enjoy leola root!
Charlie X.
I forgot about that horrible plot arc