The Japanese have this term “intoku (陰徳)” which roughly translates to good deeds done in secret. What are some examples of intoku in your own life? Doesn’t matter even if it’s something minor like picking up trash.

    2 days ago

    I don’t think it counts as “nobody watching” since many people saw it technically, but I will often pull over to ask if people on the side of the highway need help as long as I’m not running late for something.

    I helped a Hispanic guy recently change his tire since he apparently misplaced his lug nut wrench and he had a blowout. I let him use mine and I topped off the air in his spare that was a little low. Took me a little while to figure out what he needed since he didn’t speak a word of English and I failed Spanish 3 times, but we got there using Google translate, hand signals and grunts haha.

    I do it because I hope that if one day I was stranded on the side of the road (and somehow without all the tools I always carry around) that someone would be nice enough to stop and offer assistance.

    Be the change you want to see in the world n all that.