Semen Quality Linked to Longer Lifespan in Men
Study links men’s semen quality to increased lifespan, with over 120 million motile sperm correlating to 2-3 years longer life expectancy.
#health #science #biology
I gotta eat HOW many a day?
It’s less if you go for injections
I was just reading that.
I’m thinking about swapping to horse, too. One injection and you’re good for a while. My buddy told him some guy called Mr. Hands told him it was to die for.
To me it would make much more sense if this was the other way around. In other words, healthy men having higher sperm counts, not higher sperm counts leading to healthy men. Because you the way this study is framed, you could also link heart health to average lifespans.
I think they’ve purposefully worded it in a way that’s less intuitive for more engagement. Obviously there would be many things that would adversely impact both semen quality and lifespan…