Oooooh nice print quality! My impatient aah could not go thinner then 0.36 per layer. (I also don’t dry my filament, like ever, so after a long print it’s like spider season in Australia)
petpetpet white is petg, i dried it after 5years and 2 of those at 70% and higher humidity. eevee predates both, but new prints are also verry spider friendly…
Im also totally not jessica, will you pat me too?
Of course! :3
headpats scratches behind ears
Oooooh nice print quality! My impatient aah could not go thinner then 0.36 per layer. (I also don’t dry my filament, like ever, so after a long print it’s like spider season in Australia)
headpats and platonic smooches
petpetpet white is petg, i dried it after 5years and 2 of those at 70% and higher humidity. eevee predates both, but new prints are also verry spider friendly…