Man I was excited for this game leading up to it… but after that trailer I’m pretty meh. Graphically and artistically it looks so generic. Like SV had generic looking graphics, but at least it had some solid character designs. Also WTF WHY IS THAT BENCH IN A KIDS GAME? And who are the homeless of the Pokémon world? Snorlax? Is it not better than sleeping in the middle of the road on route 12?
Man I was excited for this game leading up to it… but after that trailer I’m pretty meh. Graphically and artistically it looks so generic. Like SV had generic looking graphics, but at least it had some solid character designs. Also WTF WHY IS THAT BENCH IN A KIDS GAME? And who are the homeless of the Pokémon world? Snorlax? Is it not better than sleeping in the middle of the road on route 12?
Anti-homeless infrastructure is canon in the Pokémon universe now I guess
Kids won’t know it’s anti homeless and just presume it’s for arm rests, because that’s the innocent take.
was my first thought too… but yeaaa it’s anti-homeless… vrri sad.