he’s becoming self aware

title stolen from 13coveredinyou@twitter

  • RageAgainstTheRich@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    So if someone would bust down the door of your house, kill some of your kids, kidnap the others.

    Tap for spoiler


    your spouse.

    Then tell you, let us keep the leftover kids we didnt kill and keep most of your house. You can live in the basement. We will probably come for the basement too sometime soon.

    Then you yell for help and others tell you "you could stop your partner from being

    Tap for spoiler


    And your other kids from being killed if you just accept it and stay in your basement. Or do you want your family to continue being in pain?

    Would you be like “will do! Thankyou! 🤗”?

    Is something wrong with your brain?

    I mean, i know you people have a cuckold fetish, but this is taking it to the extreme…