I got handed down a new laptop. I didn’t need it but it is considerably smaller than my current laptop so it’s nice that I can lug it around. Will see how it goes for a few weeks and if I don’t get the chance to use it I will give it to someone else or sell it.
It has a Copilot key to the right of the space bar. This key is completely useless on Linux as is which is an upgrade considering pressing it doesn’t bring up any copilot bullshit. But it takes the place of an actually useful key like a right control or right meta(/mod/super) key.
I thought remapping it would be straightforward. But turns out the keyboard is wired at firmware level to send out a bizarre combo of left shift + left meta + f23
. Who the hell comes up with this shit?
A solution I found was to use something called keyd to remap this particular combination to control. For now it’s working fine but this is peak “modern problems require modern solutions” nonsense. The things we do to maximise shareholder value.
Anotha Microsoft™ classic