I mean look at all the fake-ass christians infecting the world, is it so hard to believe that there are plenty of fake-ass muslims too? I was friends with a Palestinian/Jordanian guy and he told me it was commonplace in Jordan to have a group of men drinking tea at a cafe, except the tea pot was full of liquor. I don’t know if it was meant to hide it from other people, hide it from god, or both.
I mean. The only place to get alcohol past midnight in the Canadian town I grew up in was an all night tea house. But we were just trying to hide it from the cops.
No way he is muslim. Tf?
I mean look at all the fake-ass christians infecting the world, is it so hard to believe that there are plenty of fake-ass muslims too? I was friends with a Palestinian/Jordanian guy and he told me it was commonplace in Jordan to have a group of men drinking tea at a cafe, except the tea pot was full of liquor. I don’t know if it was meant to hide it from other people, hide it from god, or both.
I mean. The only place to get alcohol past midnight in the Canadian town I grew up in was an all night tea house. But we were just trying to hide it from the cops.
He converted I believe before the arrest if I recall properly. But yeah, it’s quite ironic.
Maybe Christianity wasn’t misogynistic enough?
“too weak”
Converted in prison for some brownie points. But dropped the act around half a year ago.