Stolen from @vmstan

More analysis from @wiredfire:

It’s nothing to do with [difficulties in using multiple platforms]. It’s to do with the massive backlash they got on Fedi for their CEO being all Trumpy and somewhat horrible right wing. So they’ve run away because they were made to feel unwelcome on account of us not letting their BS fly.

Original screenshot is of the bio of and wasn’t a post (that confused me for a sec).

    10 days ago

    Protons biggest blunder of being able to pass it off as the opinions of one CEO was doubling down and going further into their thoughts on US politics from their Proton reddit account. Then editing and deleting comments when their attempts at damage control failed.

    That’s the most interesting thing about all this. That they felt compelled enough to speak on it and then just dug themselves in further. And that’s their attempt at a palatable mainstream explanation. So it is intriguing wondering about what they actually believe.

    At this point they’d be better off saying we don’t know anything about US politics we were out of our depth and trying to market ourselves to Americans saying things that we believed made us sound good. But in the end we are Switzerland based company not a US one.

      10 days ago

      I have seen that comment as well and yeah they dug themselves further. They where an idiot for doing that if they are trying to stay impartial, heck they are idiot for going into into it in the first place. Pretty sure they just have a terrible communications department.

      However, most of the world sees politics differently than the two-party system the US has and it is almost never so toxic as it is with the US. Just because you agree with one statement doesn’t mean you agree with all statements of the specific person/party. I feel like a lot of people in the US are forgetting that.

        10 days ago

        Rest of the world sees the US as a country that is getting closer to the Russians and alienating their former allies like Canada, Mexico, UK, and EU. So make of it what you will when it comes to whether endorsement of the US would be seen positively in other international markets Proton is trying to reach. There’s a growing blanket dislike of the US with no care for parties.

        Protons best move is stopping with US centric topics which looking at their socials has been their main marketing focus. Focus on the fact that they are Switzerland instead of so desperately attaching themselves to the US in a world that is seeing more anti US sentiment grow. Which after their blunder with their CEO is not going to run well at all anyways being perceived as disingenuous by critics.

        Let memory of US fade when it comes to Proton. That’s what I’d recommend to their marketing team.

        Also got curious and looked more into Andy Yen, and he did schooling in the US going to Caltech and Harvard. It seems when it comes to Switzerland it was chosen as a place to start Proton, so unsure if he had ties to the country before hand. So I don’t think the whole he is some foreigner who is completely clueless about American politics can be used as an excuse, and certainly explains the very US centric approach of the company’s marketing. Background would suggests this is someone at the very least well aware of American politics and spent a significant time there immersed in the culture.