Politico legal reporter Kyle Cheney on Tuesday brought word that the Trump Department of Justice stumbled badly in trying to justify freezing funds for the United States Agency for International Development.During a hearing in front of United States District Court for the District of Columbia Judge ...
The local police who are deferential to the judicial. That’s how and why they can arrest people. The executive does not decide this.
Am I living in a universe where people just aren’t tought these things in school?
Welcome to the constitutional sherrifs movement where they are the law. The only law. Where they chose what is legal and right. They are above any federal law, system, etc.
Also, see: JD Vance saying trump can ignore the courts. And the numerous ‘signs your gov is authoritarian/fascist’ lists which include stacking/ignoring courts because, who is going to arrest the president? Especially when the supremacists/nationalists have been infiltrating police forces for well over a decade.
The way things ought are no longer applicable.
I don’t know what universe you’re living in, but it isn’t the normal one because you’re wrong.
The local police are part of the executive branch of the local government. Not judicial.
That fundamental lack of understanding goes a long way to explain why you keep delusionally insisting that judges can enforce the law.
It sadly all comes down to who the police (and somewhere down the line the military) believe is right.
So the money in almost every case then.
What’s the answer to your riddle? I’m curious
It’s not mine, it’s a quote from the book “A Clash of Kings” and subsequently the Game of Thrones TV show.
Anyway the answer is just what I wrote. Power resides where men believe it resides. In the riddle, it’s entirely up to the sellsword which kind of power they value most.
They do.
Federal Court actions are enforced by the United States Marshals Service, which is part of the executive branch, which is under the President’s Authority.
That’s why we got the famous quote from President Andrew Jackson: “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it”.