• Wetstew@lemmy.world
    13 days ago

    I’ld be curious to see them revive Speedy with the less-than-flattering characters.

    Every culture has a stereotype of a lazy/drunk/yokel, but there’s a proportion issue. A village of regular workin’ mice, one or two lazy slow or old mice and it’s no problem.

    Apu wasn’t a problem at first, outside of him being voiced by a white dude doing Indian face, his orginal character was he was a hard working immigrant who had thinly veiled frustration for the lazy spoiled idiots he has to serve to make ends meet. Only to end it with the expected nice-ities expected of a clerk. As the series went on they leaned more into his Indian heritage, without there being any Indians on staff. They went out of their lane and the character suffered for it.

    I’m not Indian though, and it’s been a while since I saw the early seasons. Grain of salt. Cutting him out of the show whole cloth sucked though, not a ton of Indian characters on TV.

    Atleast Bob’s Burgers brought back Marshmallow when they decided to retool her a bit.