for you to survive the journey. If you could somehow spray the oxygen to get you close enough to Earth to use the parachute and land safely, how would you do it?

Edit: and how much oxygen would it take to spray, would you need to use to oxygen to slow your decent? This is assuming the amount of oxygen you have would be the same amount required before you naturally deorbited like a junk satellite or something. So like, you don’t have any food so you wouldn’t make it that long, but that’s how much oxygen you magically have…. Could you make it out alive? And how?

Edit 2: one of you has a cool clipboard and space pen that astronauts have that you can do math with.

Edit 3: one of you is a stoner.

Edit 4: if the space station was in geosynchronous orbit, could an astronaut jump down off of it?

    14 days ago

    If you fell straight down from the height of the orbit of the ISS, by the time you reached the thicker parts of the atmosphere, you would be travelling at around 2 km/s. Unprotected, this is enough energy to raise your temperature by 500 °C, but not all of that energy would actually go into you so you would be a little bit cooler. But suffice it to say, if you have to get off the ISS without a capsule, you’re cooked.