Totally not an ominous or fucked up to say when blue states are absolutely recoiling in horror at the fucking disgrace of a president he is /s

    13 days ago

    I think the fraud in the midterms will be so rampant you won’t even know where to start to counter it all. At the end of the day the choice will be throw out all the votes and hold a second vote or accept the outcome. This will just be in areas where suppression hasn’t already sealed the deal. So, while maybe a few of these smaller elections get sorted, any of the elections that did get blown up and slip through will be gains.

    You have to understand, they are going for complete control from top to bottom. It doesn’t matter how successful they are because there is nothing you can do can to wrench away their established power. When the election committees move to fix the damage done they will be completely on their own. Since the systems they’ve always relied on will have been dismantled they won’t be able to act fast enough.

    On election night some two years from now, you better be ready to do one of two things. Join the already growing factions to oppose the federal government or accept you live under authoritarian rule.