I stopped masking in public very briefly when they were saying it was okay after getting double vaxxed. Waited the proper amount of time for immunity to kick in and then some, and I immediately got COVID 🥲
Fool me once, etc. I’m never doing that shit again, and it’s a little disturbing to me how little people care about others’ health or their own. You’d think naked self interest would get people masking if empathy doesn’t, but apparently not.
I worked retail for a good portion of it and somehow never got it. I did get swung at by a customer who thought I was hiding toilet paper in the back though.
Covid never ended; my boyfriend just tested positive last week. And it won’t end since it’s a mutating virus. But it’s nowhere near as deadly as initial variants, and the curve flattened a long time ago. I wouldn’t still call it a pandemic.
My girlfriend and I are fully vaccinated. Have been since day one.
I got Covid once about 2.5 years ago. I barely noticed. I was feeling punky and tired and my girlfriend said I should take a covid test. It was positive. I spent one day in bed because I was so tired, but the next day I was better. Never had a cough, no fever I noticed. A slight body ache.
A week later the girlfriend got it. She had a fever, bad cough, spent 4-5 days in bed. It took her 2-3 weeks to shake it and not feel tired all the time. She had a lingering cough for a couple months.
I haven’t had it (or noticed I had it) again. She hasn’t either.
I kind of think of Covid as being the new flu. You get your shots for it, hopefully the formula matches the strains floating around. It’s the new normal.
I never stopped. The pandemic never ended. People just got tired of acknowledging it and left the vulnerable to fend for themselves.
I stopped masking in public very briefly when they were saying it was okay after getting double vaxxed. Waited the proper amount of time for immunity to kick in and then some, and I immediately got COVID 🥲
Fool me once, etc. I’m never doing that shit again, and it’s a little disturbing to me how little people care about others’ health or their own. You’d think naked self interest would get people masking if empathy doesn’t, but apparently not.
Same. And to the best of my knowledge I’m still a COVID virgin (unless I was asymptomatic).
I worked retail for a good portion of it and somehow never got it. I did get swung at by a customer who thought I was hiding toilet paper in the back though.
If I didn’t test for it when I had it, I wouldn’t have known I had it. I was pretty much just tired for a couple days. Spent a day in bed.
Hell, I do that 3-4 times a year anyway.
Covid never ended; my boyfriend just tested positive last week. And it won’t end since it’s a mutating virus. But it’s nowhere near as deadly as initial variants, and the curve flattened a long time ago. I wouldn’t still call it a pandemic.
My girlfriend and I are fully vaccinated. Have been since day one.
I got Covid once about 2.5 years ago. I barely noticed. I was feeling punky and tired and my girlfriend said I should take a covid test. It was positive. I spent one day in bed because I was so tired, but the next day I was better. Never had a cough, no fever I noticed. A slight body ache.
A week later the girlfriend got it. She had a fever, bad cough, spent 4-5 days in bed. It took her 2-3 weeks to shake it and not feel tired all the time. She had a lingering cough for a couple months.
I haven’t had it (or noticed I had it) again. She hasn’t either.
I kind of think of Covid as being the new flu. You get your shots for it, hopefully the formula matches the strains floating around. It’s the new normal.
Yeah, exactly. Get your shots, take precautions, but live life.