Simultaneous purging of the chief generals of all three branches.
They are ensuring the military has no cohesiveness to stage a future coup against the Executive Branch, and are replacing all control with their own loyalists.
Simultaneous purging of the chief generals of all three branches.
They are ensuring the military has no cohesiveness to stage a future coup against the Executive Branch, and are replacing all control with their own loyalists.
As a Canadian, this looks worryingly like he’s lining up the military leadership who will be prepared to invade Canada - not to mention Gaza, Greenland, Panama, and any parts of Europe Putin doesn’t want yet.
It’s a two front offensive. One front is the American people, the other is other countries that Trump wants or doesn’t see as allies (i.e. allies being other nations with fascist leaders).
Edit: clarification.
What the hell is Canada supposed to do if Americans roll up on the borders. What the hell can the Canadian military — or the American people for that matter — do if they forced Canada to capitulate or face a nuclear threat? That might be an alarmist what-if… but is it, really?
They have the second amendment across the border, would be more than time that they wake the fuck up…
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This. If Americans want real freedom, then that’s the hill they’re willing to die on. As an American, I recognize that we Americans currently have yet to reconcile the gravity of that requirement. We have to be willing to stand up to our military, our government, and each other, and to be willing to die for a future we’ll never see.
As an American, I concur
I really doubt there will ever be an invasion of Canada. Barely anyone in America would go along with a massive war (and that’s what it would require). Congress doesn’t want it — not even Republicans. The business community doesn’t want it. Maybe a few hardcore MAGA types would be willing to fight for him but in reality, most MAGA types are old, fat slobs, not young people of fighting age.
Plus, we couldn’t occupy Iraq and Afghanistan. There’s no way we’d be able to occupy all of Canada. (Especially Quebec. It seems like they’d sooner fight to the death than become Americans.)
When the cost of disobeying a direct order during “wartime” is prison or even execution, most soldiers will obey.
Especially since most of the American military is deeply conservative and ChristoFascist in the first place.
It doesn’t start as a massive war but as small interventions about next to nothing. It suddenly became massive war, in hindsight, viewed from 15 years later.
There’s really no way we could invade half of those places and still fight the unrest that will be happening inside the US. I bet you’d find plenty of Americans willing to defect and fight for Canada.
As a halfie, I certainly wouldn’t be staying put. That said, I’d probably be busy in an interment camp.
I would hope that Republicans in Congress would mostly go against this. We’d need 2/3 of Congress to vote and take their power back. I wonder where they draw the line or if a line even exists.
Congress has already shown they have no power over Trump. They gave away the power to fight him already by going along with everything he’s said and done. It’s too late for them to try and rein him in at this point.
Yep, it could very well be too late.
lol good one