A quick guide to all the insanity behind the Trump administration

  • sp3ctr4l@lemmy.zip
    16 days ago

    They are anarcho-capitalists, ancaps, in the vein of the Mises Institute / Austrian Economics crowd.

    A fundamental part of their ideology is praxeology, which basically is anti-empiricist, it doesn’t actually respect or react to evidence, it is wholly based on complex thought expieriments and finangling over definitions of terms.

    Basically, they believe that no government or state can be legitimate… that is shared or similar with many other actual anarchists…

    But they believe it should be replaced with either giant megacorporations, or somehow, something would cause a ‘free market’ for competing over public goods and utilities, some even believe in competing theoretical private legal systems that would … somehow interface and interperet ‘the law’, even though there is no ‘the law’.

    It is an internally inconsistent and often easily empirically proven false worldview… but they don’t respect empirical evidence.

    They only call it ‘anarcho’ because it wants to destroy the state.

    They appropriated the term anarchism.

    But other than that, it shares basically nothing else in common with any other notable thinker or group that has called themselves anarchist.