Came across this article and it got me thinking, are there any simple ways to defeat advanced tracking methods (fingerprinting, tracking pixels, etc.)?

Obviously you could go the Tor on a virtual machine route, or a non persistent set up like TAILS, but what about a browser that’s able to give say, a 80% solution?

I work in the security industry and am always looking for the solution that is simple enough that its palatable to a client (not asking to change your whole lifestyle, just push this button) but also relatively effective.

    15 days ago

    I am also pro being able to form your own future by giving an extra hand to the world.

    I do however disagree on the part where you have to be born into certain privileges to be able to do this. Yes, giving extra should mean you get extra but all in accordance to individual abilities an privilege. Someone born rich should have it significantly harder to make more than someone born poor for example.