I hope everyone can now stop with all the it has no crumple zone so it’s a death trap comments.

I guess that means doubling down on the pedestrian death machine now.

Full report is available from the website

Edit: Also the report is dated January 14th. This is before Trump.

  • regrub@lemmy.world
    19 days ago

    I’d like to see crash test results from an organization outside of Musk’s influence before believing any of their conclusions.

  • shaggyb@lemmy.world
    18 days ago

    In before a deluge of made up bullshit about how this can’t be true because If ElOn BaD tHeN cAr GoOd ImPoSsIbLe

    It’s completely possible for Elon to be a dickhead and for there to be redeeming qualities to the products his company sells.

    It’s completely possible for a car to be terrible in some ways (aesthetics, visibility, lighting in snow, many other things) and still be very good in others.

    It’s completely possible for a very bad car to be constructed in a way that keeps its occupants safe in a collision.

    It’s completely possible to dislike something without making up lies about it (random explosions, crash danger).

    Every Tesla model ever tested has gotten a 5 star rating. There is video and photo evidence. The testing procedures are standardized. This is because TESLA PRIORITIZES OCCUPANT SAFETY IN ITS DESIGN PROCESS AND ALWAYS HAS. If you know literally the VERY FIRST THING about modern EVs, you know that.

    Elon is a colossal, cataclysmic turd of a man and he deserves any hell that could be created for him, but making up uninformed bullshit about cars out of spite does absolutely nothing to stop him or to harm him. It does the opposite by distracting from what’s actually a problem.

    Should you buy a Tesla? Absolutely fucking not. Buy a Rivian or a Chevy if you need a huge EV (you don’t). And then live with the flaws of those executives and their unconscionable history instead of Elon, because we happen to live in a time when Elon’s sociopathy is marginally more relevant than that of other executives.

    If my wife has to be in a car in a nasty crash and I get to pick the car she’s in at the time, then fuck all of y’all - I’m picking the Tesla.