Was reading this article, and it got me thinking. There’s lots of people who are happy to complain at length, but what if we made it a point to pick a particular day each year to express our collective gratitude for the work people do for FOSS?

Whether in the form of donations or kind words (maybe even joining a project), it might be something that helps keep people going on the things they love but for which they don’t get a lot of appreciation.

Curious to hear y’all’s thoughts.

Edit: Someone mentioned I Love Free Software Day, which is cool that it exists. I like the idea behind it, but I’m hesitant to piggyback upon a well-known holiday, for fear of being wholly overshadowed (Valentine’s Day is already stressful enough for some people).

  • Randomgal@lemmy.ca
    19 days ago

    I see what you’re saying. I guess I’m a bit biased from having had a conversation in the previous days with someone whose idea of “helping” a dev was hounding them with complaints, telling them how to do their job and them blasting them on social media when they answered with a ban.

    I guess we agree that it’s up to each dev to clarify what kind of support, if any, they are looking for.