I guess the LGBTQ+ people who left before the inauguration weren’t overreacting.
Truly shameful, and scary
I managed to get my trans kid a passport just before this shit started. We’re working out how to emigrate right now, but at least his passport is in order. My heart breaks for trans people who weren’t able to before this intentional chaos bullshit got underway.
Have you found a country who will take Americans these days?
Whatever happened to those fine individuals who said “Rather be a Russian than a Democrat?” Wish they were the ones that are leaving.
They are all talk, as usual.
No country is going to take Americans as refugees, for obvious reasons. But you can still immigrant through normal channels
Yeah that’s what I meant.
I’d imagine there will be legal asylum challenges in some EU countries for LBTQ+ people, i wouldn’t be surprised if a court upheld them and granted asylum for Americans. Which is the sad and scary reality of the current state of things.
I’m really lucky I decided to get my passport about a year ago, mostly on impulse since I got invited to travel with someone. I’ve set things in motion to be out of country in 6-8 months but I also have a bug out bag with documents and a bunch of cash just in case. If I hear about trans people with existing passports getting blocked then I’m grabbing that bag bailing day of if I have to, hope to get lucky and not have the passport seized
Everything is so fucked right now. This time around feels different. Last time there was a lot of “I’m going to leave the country” talk but now people are quite serious when they say it. Hang in there and if you need to talk to anyone or anything I’m here. We’ve got to have community or we’re not going to make it
I’m one of those. I’m glad I trusted my intuition. Though I’m not fully out of the woods just yet, but I can see the light.
If you don’t mind my asking, where did you go and how was the process? I haven’t left yet, but I think it’s well past time I had a plan. I have a passport and all my documents have the same (although not my preferred) gender markers. So my current thought would be to look for a remote work job and then try for a digital nomad visa somewhere in the EU.
As intended.
Also intersex
They can’t possibly handle that concept. A man in a dress and they fall down, unable to form words.
Well either way. They confiscated my intersex friend’s passport.
I’m so sorry - that’s awful.
Welcome to Nazi America, you know how it plays out.
So wait… it wasn’t transgender people that were causing the high egg prices?! Cause he went after them like they were responsible for everything that was wrong in the USA. trans people and Canadians must be the worst people in the world according to MAGA