Noticed this in my distro’s repo today (fedora) and figured I’d bring some attention to it. Asesprite is the premier pixel art tool, so it’s awesome to see someone keeping the FOSS version alive!

Also available on flathub.

There’s also a great book from NoStarchPress made for Asesprite, and assumes absolutely no previous artistic knowledge!

    23 days ago

    If your question is about the legal difference: this fork is licensed as GPL 2 (free libre open-source software), while the OG is proprietary (albeit source-available).

    This means that everyone is allowed to do anything with this version and nobody can ever prevent them from doing so, while the OG doesn’t have such freedom.

    The original authors might one day decide to halt the development and pull the source code, and/or decide to start “enshittifying” Aseprite, but LibreSprite will forever remain free and available to everyone.