The USS Harry Truman collided with a merchant ship in the Mediterranean Sea near Port Said, Egypt, on Wednesday evening.

No injuries or ship flooding have been reported by Navy officials.

    24 days ago

    This can’t possibly be unintentional right?

    Remember an aircraft carrier is not just an airport on a ship, it’s also the intelligence center and CIC of the entire battle group, so an aircraft carrier is equipped with literally the best radar and sensor suites of any vessel in the entire navy, that combined with the sheer number of people that will be on watch duty on such a massive ship, there is simply no possibility it could somehow “accidentally miss” a cargo ship to a point where a collision could happen.

    While on the other side, Suez canal is some of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, so all cargo vessels follow strictly prescribed paths when leaving the canal, there’s no reason for one single exiting ship among a swarm of them to have gone out its way to have a chance to collide with an incoming vessel, one that’s has the best sensor suite as well as some of the most powerful propulsion capabilities.

    Am I missing something here???