What is a really smart choice for password manager apps? Concerned about privacy and politically involved CEOs.

I’ve used:

  • LastPass
  • 1Password
  • ProtonPass (Now using)

I thought ProtonPass was a good choice but I’m starting to read more about it. What’s just a really solid choice all around, that you can feel good about? Free or paid.

Update: I decided to go with Bitwarden and Bitwarden Authenticator. The features and the experience are better than the three listed above that I’ve used before. Awesome advice here, thanks everyone.

  • BrianTheeBiscuiteer@lemmy.world
    24 days ago

    The struggle with KeePass conflicts is real. Put basically the problem occurs when you change a DB on device A, change the same DB on device B, and then you sync them using Syncthing. That might happen for me once a month.

    I think I found a process that can reduce the occurrence of conflicts, mostly, not entirely. Instead of one DB that every device shares I have one DB per device (i.e. the KeePass file includes the name of the device). Most of the time this can’t possibly cause a conflict because device A only saves to its own DB. The only time it could create a conflict is if I need to pull in an entry that I made on another device. That’s a manual process for me and it makes me more aware that a conflict could happen. I make sure the device I’m syncing from is active in Syncthing, and if it is there’s almost no chance of a conflict.

    A one-way sync option for KeePass would make conflicts almost impossible so I think I’ll propose that or work on a plugin for it.

    • LedgeDrop@lemm.ee
      24 days ago

      That’s a very clever solution. But it’s really convient to create a login in your phone and immediate switch to your laptop and login.