There were not enough time to get anything at all, not even your phone, keys, or wallet, you have nothing besides your clothes and any disability aids (like glasses, hearing aids, etc.). Anything that can’t sustain one hour of burning will be destroyed. All living beings are safe.

Things to thing about: money, sentimental stuff, journals, books, hard drives / digital data, and all of the time and effort you spend organizing your bedroom.

    25 days ago

    I think I am paranoid enough that, with everyone safe, nothing too irreplaceable would be lost.

    Things are insured and can be replaced. Photos, videos, kids art, I have trouble thinking of anything else not replaceable and these things are digitally backed up to multiple cloud services.

    Would it be super annoying? For sure, but with time and effort I feel like nothing is gone forever.

    Maybe my Framework laptop that I bought using freight forwarding before they cracked down and stopped us ordering more 😩