So… I don’t get it, what’s the end goal with this massive no-win scenario? What are the people who were thrown in the gutter by the State in the first place supposed to do if they’re not allowed to be in said gutter?
To me, this sounds like the State handing out compulsory baggies of coke, then arresting everyone for possession…
what’s the end goal with this massive no-win scenario?
To get more fire-fighting slaves volunteer prison firefighters to cheaply fight the inevitable further wildfires brought about by uncontrolled climate change, duh
To get rid of the homeless. Ideally, by shoving them out of sight. But…y’know…whatever happens happens. We certainly don’t enjoy being forced to do this!
So… I don’t get it, what’s the end goal with this massive no-win scenario? What are the people who were thrown in the gutter by the State in the first place supposed to do if they’re not allowed to be in said gutter?
To me, this sounds like the State handing out compulsory baggies of coke, then arresting everyone for possession…
To get more
fire-fighting slavesvolunteer prison firefighters to cheaply fight the inevitable further wildfires brought about by uncontrolled climate change, duhTo get rid of the homeless. Ideally, by shoving them out of sight. But…y’know…whatever happens happens. We certainly don’t enjoy being forced to do this!