Hey all,

I recently got some pictures to hang onto the wall of my apartment. While I was able to hang up four of the five so far despite some challenges (needing to get a nut driver to remove portions of the frames and using a command hook for one of the frames rather than strips due to the screws holding the frame together jutting out too much for it to sit flat on the wall with command strips), there’s been one picture that I’m in a weird spot with.

Now the picture is clearly not original, it’s very obvious that it’s a printed reproduction. Regardless, I love the way the art looks, and want to hang it on the wall behind the couch. My issue is that the wooden frame is warped, and I’m a bit lost as to where to go forward with this. The piece I removed from the frame seems to indicate that it was meant to be hung using a nail in the wall, but being in an apartment that would go against my lease. The good news is that I almost certainly can use command strips to attach it to the wall, if only I can figure out how to fix the warping to lay it flat.

Looking online, it might be me using bad search terms, but I can only seem to find out information about what causes this to happen rather than information as to how to fix it. If at all possible I want to avoid reframing the picture since honestly that wouldn’t be worth the hassle with how cheap the picture seems to be seeing that it’s a reprint.

Thanks in advance!

  • Had-Owen-ki-Roast@lemmings.world
    25 days ago

    Knowing the frame material will help.

    Wood you can gently steam and then bend back to where it lays flat. Lightly steam is the key word. Anything too damp and it will warp more.

    Plastic can be heated to pull flat, but depends a lot on what and how.

    If it a canvas, try to see if pulling one corner doesnt make it flat. That means it needs a staple or 2 to pull it tight.