Whether it was walk, hike, drive, whatever: what did you enjoy doing out in nature in this past week? What did you see? How did you feel?
Share your experience or pictures
It’s currently -10° and almost a foot of snow so I’m enjoying nature from inside. This week we had a red tailed hawk swoop down and nearly grab a squirrel just outside our window. That was pretty cool. I got a picture of it in the tree but it’s too grainy to see much.
Crazy how animals survive in that kind of weather. Sounds like a great sighting!
I have an injury so mostly confined inside, but over the weekend I went to watch the sunset over the ocean. Was beautiful watching the terns diving into the water for their evening meal, and a huge v-formation of geese heading off to roost
Did my first cross country ski trip in 4 years, only out for an hour. I got a pass for a local place that is 15 mins from my house so I can go easily for short trips until I’m back in shape to do longer bouts.
Sadly a bit cold and rainy here right now, so motivation is low to do something outdoor.
But I was went on a small walk when the sun came out and that was nice 😊
Sunshine makes such a difference. Did you notice anything interesting on your walk?
The municipality cut back the hortensia flowers, so once they grow back in spring it should look really nice. Loads of those around here.
Its cold and snowy here so I’ve been doing alot of snowshoeing! Really enjoying how quiet the trails are in the snow, and should help keep my legs conditioned for hiking season too!