Courtmarshall is probably not what you want in this. That’s specific to the UCMJ, which would discipline them for NOT removing identifiers. You probably want them to go through civilian courts if that’s your goal. Which probably means you’re thankful for Trump’s push for increased executions.
The SA/brownshirts were the “thugs” of Hitler’s Nazi military. The brutes you see in movies busting into homes and shoving people around. Known for being excessively violent and breaking rules/laws in their harassment/detainment/murdering of Jews. They also claimed to be “just following orders”
Brown shirts are essentially what ICE and the USAF is right now. Hitler’s thugs that will hurt whoever he wants because they want to hurt people and they get a free pass to hurt “the right” people. They also his their identity “to protect the troops” from people who would do the right thing and confront serial murderers and abusers.
So congrats on ICE and the arguably most far reaching branch of the US military being drumpler’s boot-deepthroating lackey henchmen.
In Germany there was a word for people “that were good people just following orders”. Nazis & war criminals
What is brownshirt?
Courtmarshall is probably not what you want in this. That’s specific to the UCMJ, which would discipline them for NOT removing identifiers. You probably want them to go through civilian courts if that’s your goal. Which probably means you’re thankful for Trump’s push for increased executions.
Wow, shocker.
What is a brownshirt?
The SA/brownshirts were the “thugs” of Hitler’s Nazi military. The brutes you see in movies busting into homes and shoving people around. Known for being excessively violent and breaking rules/laws in their harassment/detainment/murdering of Jews. They also claimed to be “just following orders”
People like you are why we’re repeating history
Brown shirts are essentially what ICE and the USAF is right now. Hitler’s thugs that will hurt whoever he wants because they want to hurt people and they get a free pass to hurt “the right” people. They also his their identity “to protect the troops” from people who would do the right thing and confront serial murderers and abusers.
So congrats on ICE and the arguably most far reaching branch of the US military being drumpler’s boot-deepthroating lackey henchmen.
In Germany there was a word for people “that were good people just following orders”. Nazis & war criminals
I want them all tried at the Hague.