so, in this informed decision not to vote with a binary choice of democracy or fascsist dissasembly of every civil right they currently posses, american constitutional democracy as a whole and post world war 2 world order, they allowed their lack of trust to make that choice for them? fuck all the way off with that psuedo-intellectual fucking bullshit man
Yeah people tend to act in accordance with what they do or do not trust. I am not sure why that would be pseudo-intellectual to point out, nor should it be construed as an assessment on the accuracy of that dis/trust.
so, in this informed decision not to vote with a binary choice of democracy or fascsist dissasembly of every civil right they currently posses, american constitutional democracy as a whole and post world war 2 world order, they allowed their lack of trust to make that choice for them? fuck all the way off with that psuedo-intellectual fucking bullshit man
Yeah people tend to act in accordance with what they do or do not trust. I am not sure why that would be pseudo-intellectual to point out, nor should it be construed as an assessment on the accuracy of that dis/trust.