ID: Photo of a pink felt heart on a slightly paler pink background, overlaying is stylised text: “make the world a better place punch a nazi in their face”

        26 days ago

        Nah, now, don’t go all moral absolutism where just because a person isn’t as rabid as you like they’re suddenly an enemy. That’s bullshit thinking.

        They didn’t defend a damn thing.

            26 days ago

            Look, fuckstick, there’s a line between someone trying to be reasonable and decent and being a collaborator.

            That you don’t see that, that you can’t imagine a world where any viewpoint but your own has validity makes you a fascist too, just not a nazi one.

            Get off your fucking high horse, stop fucking with people that are potential allies, and grow the fuck up

                25 days ago

                Y’all motherfuckers miss the entire point.

                It isn’t about whether or not it would do any good, it’s about acting like someone making a fairly normal statement to try non violence first is some kind of new nazi salute. And it’s bullshit.

                The dude that made the comment that started all this bandwagon jumping, all they said was try a peaceful route first. That’s it, that’s all. Now, they also said some stupid shit later, but that’s beside the point.

                The point is that this bunch of rabid assholes acting like they committed some kind of horrible act, screaming bootlicker like some kind of adolescent mob is just plain shitty.

                Someone that obviously objects to the kind of person this meme is about isn’t the fucking enemy. That’s someone you recruit. You bring them in, you acknowledge their intent (at the time of the original comment, like I said, they ended up being a jackass just like the other assholes attacking them blindly), you turn them into an ally.

                Do you not get how woefully small the armed left is? We’re the fucking minority. The people the most likely to actually do something, the people already armed, and with strong convictions are absurdly small as a force.

                You don’t fucking attack someone that is already against your enemy, you turn them into an asset, you fucking pimple.

                I’m not talking about trying to debate nazis, and anyone with half a fucking brain can tell that from my comments.

                I’m talking about being fucking realistic and not being the meme that the left is too fucking busy doing this exact shit of attacking each other to ever do anything useful

                But, no, of course nobody in this shitty little performative meme community thinks at all. Too busy fucking circle jerking to even actually punch a nazi. You think any of the motherfuckers, including yourself, screaming about collaborators and bootlickers would raise a fucking finger to do something? Fuck no, and that’s been the entire fucking problem with trying to do any fucking thing useful for as long as I’ve been old enough to try. It’s fucking pulling teeth to get anyone to even wave a fucking sign, much less take a real risk.

                Fucking pathetic.

          26 days ago

          Here again, same failure. Keep trying to fail like that. This place will not recognize you sucking fascist cocks as defendable.