I ran my old 2004 Samsung television into the ground: the EL backlight was so worn out that the picture had large dark holes in it, and the TV would take 20 minutes to warm up and display something.

And today it wouldn’t start at all anymore. It’s deader than a dead dodo. But hey, 20 years for a modern TV ain’t bad. I’m pretty pleased with that.

So I went to the supermarket to find the cheapest set I could find. I asked the salesman if they had a cheap, but most importantly NON-SMART TV - thinking non-smart TVs are probably the cheapest of them all, if they still existed at all.

The man said “We have this dumb 43” TV here, but it’s the last one, and then we won’t get anymore dumb TVs for 3 months."

I looked at the price and it was - gasp - $20 MORE than the cheapest Android-encumbered smart TV of the same size.

I asked the man how come and he said “Well, dumb TVs are hard to get and they sell almost immediately. So they’re worth more than the smart ones.”

Wow. So people actually WANT dumb TVs and are willing to pay a premium for em. It means attitudes towards the value of privacy are changing and that’s great!

    • Lootboblin@lemmy.world
      25 days ago

      Finlux used to be a Finnish company and their old tv’s sold well back in the day here in Finland. It’s been Turkish since 2006. I had their recording digibox about 10 years ago. It often didn’t even start and it didn’t have on off button in the back. lol but to be fair many electronics doesnt have them anymore. Finlux brand name isn’t strong anymore here and many youth probably doesnt even recognize it. But I hope you have better experience with your Finlux than I did.