I will always choose the handicap stall because I like the space between myself and the next stall. It seems like the US bathroom system encourages games of battle shits and I’m not willing to play. I’ve only had one instance where I walked out and a person who actually needed it was waiting. I felt terrible, but it was only once out of hundreds. Does anyone else do this?

  • spittingimage@lemmy.world
    27 days ago

    At work, yes. They made room for the handicap stall by narrowing the other stall to the point where my shoulders brush the walls. Too f’ing awkward.

    • waz@lemmy.world
      26 days ago

      Oh God you just reminded me of a funny story. I had a boss that was probably 600lbs+. He was huge. The bathroom was a single occupant situation, and the toilet was positioned what I would consider a normal distance from the wall next to it. Typical distance to allow reach to the to dispenser.

      This monster of a human had literally crushed a crater into the drywall from sitting on the toilet and being pushed up against wall. Every time I used the bathroom and saw it I laughed a little. I think I was just amazed this person could actually function.