Don’t know how you guys feel about comparisons to Star Trek but I thought this was interesting.

Also, Mods … if this kind of post is not allowed, I don’t mind it being taken down.

I’ve only watched about half of all Star Trek content with series and movies and animations. I thought I had years of content to watch in the future … but after hearing about other series from other people over the years, through comments in this community and through lists like this Youtube video … I think I’ll be spending the rest of my life watching scifi, the majority of which will be Star Trek.

    28 days ago

    Good: that means that you are a normal human being. Keep in mind that like food, consuming any kind of content too quickly is bad for health. Watch something, then touch grass, repeat if you feel like it - no biggie. Network producers have ignored that definitely real humans prefer quality over quantity so… that’s not your fault that there’s so much more to watch than can be enjoyably handled. This is our new world now. Perhaps someone will design an AI to watch our TV for us, and just feed us the highlight clips - heck, they may have already even!?:-P