In response to suggestions by a lunatic in the US Oval Office, Green Party Canada’s leader Elizabeth May suggested Canada should invite western states Washington, Oregon and California join B.C and split from Canada to form the ‘Cascadia’ eco-state.

(Note this article is from Jan 8, 2025 and Elizabeth May has since become co-leader of the party alongside Jonathan Pedneault).

    28 days ago

    Stops federal government from…existing and strong arming states miles away. I know a lot of Europeans are looking at the u.s. right now and asking why we aren’t pulling out guillotines, it’s because 200 million Americans live west of the Mississippi. At the very best that’s a 900mile journey, with the largest population center being 3k miles away. All that versus most states having their capitals centrally located, or at least within a days drive.

    The other pro is that if every state just sent a representative, we wouldn’t have a figurehead for massive swaths of vastly different people, we’d have a straight Congress/parliamentto represent each states interest and thats it. (My personal hot take is that having a figurehead hasn’t been very beneficial to the u.s. since Washington. Like I’d even say Lincoln is debatable, not that freeing the slaves wasn’t cool as shit, but that him being a figure head at that time didn’t have much benifit)